Programme SAP TBD21NTP - Conversion to positive logic for reduced message types

ALE customizing allows customers to adjust the pre-defined maximumIDocs to their own needs. This procedure reduces the maximum IDocs tothe segments and fields used by the customer.
In release 3.0 the segments and fields of the maximum IDocs which werenot selected in the reduction were flagged in the database (negativelogic). New segments and fields added when SAP maximum IDocs areincreased are automatically included in the reduced customer IDocs,because the customer system has no information about them. The IDocrecipient does not need this additional information, which can reduceperformance or cause errors.
This XPRA TBD21NTP switches from negative to positive logic. The IDocreduction only flags selected segments and fields in the database.Reduced message types then remain correct.
Data effected: TBD21, TBD24.
Errors may be due to the following:

  • tables do not exist

  • insufficient database memory available

  • the database connection contains errors.

  • If an error occurs, solve it and run the report again.
    Omitting this XPRA could cause assignment errors in productiveoperation.

    The program can be restarted without PRECONDITION.