Programme SAP SXBP_TEST_RECIPIENT - Create Job with Spool List Recipients Using XBP Interface

This program allows you to test the scheduling and starting of a jobwith spool list recipients using the XBP interface.

The report has the following input parameters:

  • Recipient: Enter a recipient in plain text, for example an e-mail
  • address, an internal SAPOffice user, or a distribution list.
    • Recipient Type: The following recipient types are possible:

    • B - SAP user name
      P - Personal distribution list
      C - General distribution list
      F - Fax number
      U - Internet address
      • Copy, Blind Copy, No Copy

      • Express

      • No Forwarding (only for internal receivers)

      • Confirm Send Status (only for external receivers). The following values
      • are possible:
        SPACE = Copy system defaults
        A = Always confirm send status
        E = Only confirm send status in event of error
        N = Never confirm send status
        • Status Mail (only for external receivers). The following values are
        • possible:
          SPACE = Copy system defaults
          A = Always send status mail
          E = Only send status mail in event of error
          N = Do not send status mail
          • Printing not allowed

          • The program has no input helps for a reason, that is, to allow incorrectentries for test purposes.
