Programme SAP CREATE_PHON_STRING - Phonetic Search Term

You can use this report program to adjust phonetic search terms forbusiness partners that contain errors as a result of the increase in thelength of the phonetic search term field to 80characters.
The search term is formed from the fields search helpfield 1 (name 1/last name) and search help field 2(name 2/first name) in the table BUT000 (BP: General Data I),and entered in the field phonetic search termin table BP001 (Treasury Attribute Organisation).
The search term is generated in accordance with the rules that were setin the IMG activity Set Phonetic Search in Customizing for theSAP Business Partner for Financial Services under Settings forFinancial Services-> General Settings-> Business Partner Search.

You have made settings for the IMG activity Set Phonetic Search.


  • Business Partner
  • Standard_variants

    • You can adjust all the phonetic search terms for the selected business
    • partners that exist in the tableBP001 (Treasury Attribute Organisation)
      • You can adjust particular phonetic search terms for the selected
      • business partners:
        You can adjust any incorrect 20-character phonetic search terms, whichare then converted to the correct length > 20
        You can adjust search terms with initial values in the table BP001(Treasury Attribute Organisation), which are converted to correctsearch terms