Programme SAP SDFI_CONSISTENCY_CHECK - Consistency Check: Billing Documents: Accounting

Report SDFI_CONSISTENCY_CHECK was written as a comparison programbetween Billing and Accounting for the Audit Informatio System (AIS).The report can be executed by users who are assigned authorization roleSAP_AUDITOR_BA_SD.
For each billing document and account, the program maps the differencesbetween the billing document values and the accounting amounts. For eachaccount, it maps the total of all billing document values and the totalof all accounting amounts. You can use the differences to find billingdocuments where incorrect accounting amounts were posted. You can usetotalling to check accounts to which incorrect amounts have been posted.The system takes the amounts into consideration for the differencesand also for the totals in the document currency.
The user is responsible for the evaluation. To enable you to quicklyfind inconsistencies, the program offers you the option of displayingonly billing documents that contain differences. As an additional aid,you can go directly to the billing document, and from there displaythe accounting documents. You cannot make changes to documents. Variousfilter functions and sort options make the evaulation easier.


a) Selection
The selection screen enables you to select billing documents by documentnumber, billing date, company code, and posting period with fiscalyear.
The checkbox 'Only Documents with Differences' specifies whether thesystem also includes documents without errors in the results list.
The system does not check all entered billing documents, or billingdocuments determined using other selection fields. The program extractsfrom the selection only billing documents with 'Accounting documentcreated' as the status for transmission to accounting. For technicalreasons, down payment requests are ignored.

b) Results lists
From the billing documents, you choose 'Execute' (F8) and the programdetermines relevant accounting documents. The results are displayed intwo lists; the difference list and the totals list. Both lists aredisplayed in tabular form on two tab pages with the titles'Differences' for the difference table and 'Totals' for the totalstable.
The difference table contains the following columns:
- Billing document
- Account
- Departure country (tax)
- Destination country
- Tax code
- Account key
- Billing document value
- Accounting amount
- Difference amount
- Currency
The fields for departure country, destination country, tax code, andaccount key are only filled for tax lines, because usually for SDdocuments the account for the taxes is only determined in FI. That is tosay, they replace the account. The fields for billing document, account,departure country, destination country, tax code, account key, andcurrency combined produce the primary key for the table. This means thatbilling document values are cumulated according to these fields. Thesame applies for accounting amounts. Difference amounts representdifferences between billing document values and their correspondingaccounting amounts. They are determined using the following formula:
Difference amount = Billing doc. value - Accounting amount
If the accounting document is missing, even though the billing documentstatus states that one was created, the system assumes an accountingamount of 0. This means that differences will always occur where theaccounting document is missing.
From the difference table, you can double-click the line to go to thebilling document. The totals table contains the following columns:
- Account
- Departure country (tax)
- Destination country
- Tax code
- Account key
- Billing document value
- Accounting amount
- Difference amount
- Currency
The fields for departure country, destination country, tax code, andaccount key are only filled for tax lines (see above). The fields foraccount, departure country, destination country, tax code, account key,and currency are the primary key for the table. The system determinesthe billing document values, accounting amounts, and difference amountsfrom the difference table, by cumulating the corresponding fields. Hencethe name 'Totals Table'. The 'Only Documents with Differences' indicatorfrom the selection screen is not taken into account during thiscumulation. This means that this table is always displayed, whetherthere are errors or not.
Because only totals are displayed, you cannot go to the individualbilling documents.

c) Functions in the pushbutton toolbar for ALV control
- Billing Document: If you select a line containing a billing document,then choose this button, the system starts transaction VF03 and displaysthe billing document.
- Refresh: After changes (sort, filter, and so on), displays theoriginal list.
- I or User Documentation: You can use this function to access the SAPList Viewer (ALV) Grid Control documentation.