Programme SAP SAPREWU6 - Currency Changeover in Sales

Currency conversions for master data and sales documents can be dcarried out with report SAPREWU006 (transaction WEWU63). The report isespecially useful for mass conversion of customer data with and withoutpreselection in background processing.
The selection of customers can be limited using ranges, e.g. allcustomers of a sales organization can be converted.
If all customers for a certain selection are to be converted, then theselection button "All customers" must be activated. By activating thecorresponding check boxes you can also have the system convert salesdocuments.
If you want to convert data for customers preselected using the EuroWorkbench, you must activate the selection button "Only preselectedcustomers". The selection criteria are, however, also taken intoaccount here while the check boxes for the sales documents aredeactivated. In this case, the preselected data records are also set tostatus 'completed'. The log reports any errors that may have occurredduring conversion.
Creation of change documents can be deactivated.

747469Conversion to SAP List Viewer - ERP Operations ECC 5.00
457558Incorrect net value after mass change of currency
416125Error message VC462 due to lock table overflow
392232No transfer of currency changes from customers to CRM