Programme SAP SAPMGJB2 - Non-operated Billing transaction

The non operated billing transaction allows the entry of non-operated
expenditure against ventures which are not held by an operator known
on the SAP Client.
The non-operated billings are entered manually on customised forms
using the non-operated billing transaction. The entries are assigned
the correct joint venture coding and the entires posted.
There are two methods of entering a billing: by operator or by
venture. If the operator option is selected a list of ventures and
equity groups is proposed. If the venture option is selected then only
valid groups are proposed.
Company Code - A single company for which non-operated billing
can be run
Venture - A venture for the venture option
Partner - A partner for the partner option
Funding Currency - A funding currency for the Non-operated billing
Exchange Rate - This field can be used to provide an exchange
rate to override the system exchange rate
Translation Rate - A translation date may be entered otherwise the
posting date is defaulted
posting Date - The Non-operated billing posting date
Posting Period - The Non-operated billing posting period
Reference Document - The reference number of the billing
Billing Text - Any text the billing may have
Tax Amount - This field allows the total tax amount to be
entered for the entries of the whole transaction
Gross/Net - This selection allows the entry of net or gross