Programme SAP SAPFGVTR_NACC - Balance Carryforward (NACC)

This program is used to carry forward the balances of the generalledger or another ledger to the new fiscal year.
The program can be run multiple times.
Normally, the program does not need to be run more than once, sincepostings to the previous fiscal year are automatically carried forwardto the current fiscal year, if the balance carry forward program hasalready been run.
Generally, the balance is carried forward as follows:

  • Balance sheet accounts are transferred with all additional account
  • assignments.
    • P&L accounts are carried forward to the retained earnings account.
    • Additional account assignments are not transferred. The transactioncurrencies are not transferred and are totaled in the local currency.
      Retained earnings account(s) have to be maintained for the P&L accountsin which all P&L account are totaled.
      FI-GL: Define Retained Earnings Account
      FI-SL: Maintain Local Retained Earnings Account
      FI-SL: Maintain Global Retained Earnings Account

      Additional information for FI-SL balance carry forward:

      • User-defined field movements

      • If you want certain additional account assignments, such as profitcenter and functional area, which are not in the standard balance carryforward program, to be carried forward or summarized via certainadditional account assignments in the new year, you can assign fieldassignments to the ledger for the balance sheet and P&L accounts.
        Assign Field Assignments
        When using a field movement for balance sheet accounts, the dimension"Account" MUST be contained in the field movement. With P&L accounts,the dimension "Account" must NOT be in the field movement (unless youwant to change the account using a user exit).
        • Secondary cost elements

        • In the standard system, only G/L accounts from FI are carried forward.
          If, however, you want to carry forward secondary cost elements in yourFI-SL ledger, you have to use user exits (transaction SMOD or CMOD,enhancement GVTRS001).