Programme SAP RWREGPRO - Space management: Display materials in layout module

This report displays all the material master data and material movementdata that can be used for a space management program for the parametersentered. The report can also be used to display the shelf plan assignedto the layout module version and to export the data.

The layout module, version, and date for the listing check, pricedetermination, and selected movement data are mandatory parameters. Thesystem date is used as a default. If the indicator 'Read version usingdate' is set, then the date is used as the validity date for theversion.
You must enter either a customer or plant grouping, or alternativelyyou must set the indicator Do not select any customers orSelect all customers.
A space management profile must exist for each customer entered. Thisprofile defines which data is to be selected, which info structure isused for the selection of movement data, and which function module isused for exporting data. If a plant grouping is chosen, the spacemanagement profile from the reference customer is used.
In addition to entering the layout module version, you can enter alayout module variant. A list of the materials of the layout modulevariant are displayed in addition to those of the version to enable thespace management program to recognize which materials belong explicitlyto the variant, and which to the version itself.
If you only select one customer, the system automatically selects avariant that might be assigned to the layout module version using itslocal assortment. In all other cases, you have to enter a layout modulevariant especially for this.
You can also set various (optional) control parameters.

  • The indicator Select using date controls whether the date,
  • rather than the version you can select, is to be used to determine theversion.
    • The Listing check indicator controls whether the listed or
    • sellable materials are to be displayed for the selected customer only,or for all customers.
      • The Layout check indicator controls whether the layout module,
      • and, if applicable, the variant (using the local assortment) isassigned to the customer or plants listed in the plant grouping. If youset the indicator Do not select any customers, there is no pointalso setting the Layout check indicator, as you may want toassign a reference customer to a layout module even though the layoutmodule is not assigned to that customer. In this case, the referencecustomer is only used as the vendor for the space management profile.
        • The indicator Select all customers controls whether all the
        • plants to which the layout module has been assigned are to be checked.In this case too, the space management profile for the referencecustomer is used.
          • The indicator Do not select any customers controls whether
          • master data but no movement data is to be read. The last two controlindicators take priority over any customers or plant groupings that arebe selected.

            A list containing all the listed materials including master data andmovement data for the relevant layout module is issued. Depending onthe setting for the listing check indicator, the system displays eitherall the materials or only the materials listed.
            In addition, all the relevant header data for the selected layoutmodule is displayed in the list header.
            Depending on which function module is entered for data export in thespace management program, you can choose a radio button to start thedata export.
            In addition, you can change the date for the listing check or pricedetermination at any time, and display the planogram file assigned tothe layout module.
            For more details on preparing the list, see the documentation on thefunction module Planogram_Data_Read_and_Disp and the thedocumentation on the function module BAPI_SITELAYMOD_GETITEMS2.

            Two input helps are available for entering the layout module:

            • Selection of all assigned layout modules for which the customer entered
            • is the reference customer
              • Selection of all assigned layout modules that were assigned to the
              • customer entered. Here, the layout is assigned to the customer.
                The display of all the possible layout module versions is limited tothe layout module entered, and the display of variants is limited tothe layout module version.
                If a customer other than the reference customer of the layout module isentered, the system displays a warning. If you ignore this warning, thecustomer-specific data is selected on the basis of the customer youentered.
                A warning is also displayed if one or more customers do not have anymovement data for all the materials in the layout module version.