Programme SAP RWMBON11 - Generate Work Items for Settlement Acctg. re Vendor Reb. Arrangements

The program is used for settlement relating to rebate arrangements andto simulate settlement accounting. The rebate arrangements involved canbe selected using selection characteristics.

  • Arrangements

  • Selection can be limited by entering the arrangement number and therebate recipient. Only those arrangements are selected for which thevalid-to date falls before the date entered in the Valid-to field onthe selection screen. The default date is today's date, so thatsettlement accounting is only performed for arrangements with avalid-to date in the past.
    • Organizational data

    • The selection can be limited to particular sales organizations,distribution channels, or divisions. Only those arrangements areselected for which the organizational data corresponds to the specifiedentries.
      • Status of the rebate arrangement

      • Only those arrangements are selected that have the specified status. Itis possible to select only those arrangements with the status "Releaseeffected", for example.
        For arrangements with the status "Credit memo request created" and"Perform final settlement", it is only possible to simulate settlementaccounting.
        • Promotions

        • The field "Perform final settlement" controls whether a credit memorequest is to be created for the selected rebate arrangements. A creditmemo request is only created if the arrangement has reached a certainstatus. If the parameter "Perform final settlement" is not selected,settlement is simulated, and the credit memo amounts are issued.
          The field "Setlement statement" determines whether a statement ofbusiness volume is issued at the same time. The scope of suchstatements depends on the "scope of statement" that has been definedfor them in the rebate arrangement. There is also a function to displaythe statement from the list.

          Rebate settlement in batch mode (in the background)
          It is possible to start the rebate settlement. For this purpose, youonly have to create a selection variant for this program RV15C001 andschedule a job.

          For rebate settlement to be effected, the rebate arrangement must havereached its minimum status.

          The output shows important data relating to the rebate arrangement,such as rebate recipient, validity period, or the arrangement status.
          All the conditions relating to the rebate arrangement are displayed.For each condition, the scale and condition basis and the resultingcondition amount and credit memo value are displayed.
          You can branch from the list into the rebate arrangement. In addition,in simulation mode, you can display the status of the arrangement.

          Settlement accounting is to be carried out in respect of all rebatearrangements for rebate recipient 1000 for the year 1995. Only thoserebate arrangements that have already been released are to beprocessed. The following selection data must be entered:

          • Rebate recipient 1000

          • Valid-to 31.12.1995

          • X Release effected

          • X Perform final settlement

          • All other fields remain empty. It is sensible to limit selection to theorganization data.