Programme SAP RVKRED09 - Check credit on SD documents in background

Report RVKRED09 performs new credit checks for SD documents, and givesyou a range of selection options.
Released documents are checked only if the validity period for releaseis over (number of days).
Also note the background programs.

  • RVKRED06: Repeat credit checks for blocked SD documents, for example,
  • after receipt of payment
    • RVKRED08: Credit check for sales orders that fall into the credit
    • horizon

      RVKRED09 contains the most selection options, in comparison to the othertwo reports for rechecking.

      Depending on the selection, a database secondary index is required.

1324433Availability check during credit block release
993714RFDKLI20: Negative credit values
408596RFDKLI20: Recreating credit data - new documentation
843642Dump when you execute the RV21A010 report
747469Conversion to SAP List Viewer - ERP Operations ECC 5.00
552681FD32: Change of credit representative group, message F4796
511470FD32: Changing the risk class
510034Changing the risk category in Transaction FD32
334549Runtime error MESSAGE_TYPE_X in report RVKRED09