Programme SAP RVHURL015 - Archiving returnable packaging accounts: Create archive file

You use this report to archive returnable packaging accounts and partnerrelationship assignments (tables RLACCT and RLPSHPA). The report writesthe data to an archive file.
In each archiving record (consisting of the returnable packaging accountdata and the partner relationship assignments), the system providesinformation on partner relationship data (table RLPSHP). This enablesyou to carry out evaluations in the SAP Archive Information System, forexample, by customer/ vendor number.

The system only archives returnable packaging accounts with the status"to be archived". You set this status using the report RVHURL017(archiving RP accounts: set archive status.)

Accounts that were selected for archiving are outputted to an archivefile. The report RVHURL017 (archiving of RP accounts: delete applicationdata) uses this file to delete the data from the tables. A processinglog gives details on the amount and volumes of the archived accounts. Amore detailed log is also available, listing successfully archivedaccounts and reasons for which any accounts could not be archived.

Hints were created specifically for the archivingobject VHURL_AC (packaging logistics RP accounts), where you can findmore information.