Programme SAP RV14BTCI - Batch Input Interface for Conditions

The batch input report RV14BTCI is used to process condition records:

  • Prices

  • Discounts/surcharges

  • Freight

  • Taxes
  • Note

    Information which affect the entire batch input session are defined inthe session record.
    Information which applies for an entire transaction are defined in theheader record. This includes transaction codes and keys.
    A batch input has been defined in the data dictionary for eachcondition table for which a batch input is to be possible.
    Each structure is identified by a record type and condition type andtable name.
    The structures are as follows:

    • BGR00 record type 0 session record

    • BKOND1 record type 1 header data (Tr.code, condition type, table name)

    • BKOND2 record type 2 main data (Vakey)

    • BKOND3 record type 3 scale data

    • It must be decided for each field which is transferred in the batchinput structure whether the value of the field is initial (for example,field should be set to the initial value), or whether batch input isrequired at all for this field. This means that a special ID must beagreed upon which has the function ' No batch input for this field'.The default for this special ID is '/'.
      If the special ID '/' is not to be used, you can transfer in thesession record in the field BGR00-NODATA which other special ID shouldperform this function.
      Before you fill the batch input structure, each field in the structures(except session record BGR00) must be supplied with this special ID atthe beginning of the field.
      The fields in the structures refer to the data elements for the fieldsin the original tables. However, numeric and packed fields are theexception. They require separate data elements of the type CHAR forbatch input. This is because packed fields cannot be filled with thespecial ID. Thus, amounts with decimal points can be transferred to theinterface.
      • REC_TR_M Max. number of records per trans. (default: 100)

      • This parameter specifies the maximum number of condition records to beposted in a transaction. The can influence performance.
        The default value should only be changed if main memory problems occur.
        • KOND_MAX Max. number of records per screen (default: 10)

        • This parameter control the maximum number of condition records viewedon the screen.
          This parameter should only be changed (reduced) if problems occurduring processing.
          • STAF_MAX Max. number of scales per screen (default: 10)

          • This parameter specifies the maximum number of scale records that canbe viewed on a screen.
            This parameter should only be changed (reduced) if problems occurduring processing.
            • REC_MAX Max. number of records in table (default: 500)

            • This parameter specifies the maximum number of condition records thatcan be read to an internal table. This can influence memory space usedduring processing. A higher value could actually improve performancebecause optimization is possible.
              The default value should only be changed if main memory problems occur.

              Special fields in the session record:
              The session name must be included in the session record (BGR00-GROUP).Sending a second session record closes the current session and opens afurther session.
              The special ID NODATA is transferred in the session record (see above).
              A blocking date can be transferred in the session record (BGR00-START).If this date is set, it must have the format 'YYYYMMDD'.

              Transactions supported:
              The existing version supports the following central transaction:

              • XK15 Create condition (for applications V or M)

424649Condition transfer (RV14BTCI): Condition records missing