Programme SAP RTXWQU06 - DART: Associated data detector


This report provides you with additional information on data viewqueries. Based on the selected data extract and data view query, theprogram identifies related data by analysing the customizing tableRTXW_C_RELA and creates a separate file in the view log. TransactionTXWN displays the new files.




The program identifies the view query segments and fields. It analysestable TXW_C_RELA for every display field and creates a list of thosesegments which are involved in the relations defined in TXW_C_RELA. Youcan either select segments from this list or request the processing ofthe complete list.

For each segment selected from this list the program creates a separatefile reading the data extract source file. The file names are generatedautomatically using a prefix which you enter on the selection screen.

In the view log you can identify these files by their common view name'UMFELD'.





You have defined a view showing the document header segment and thedocument items segment and you want the associated data detector toshow the document type segment additionally as the field document type i
s part of the data view definition.

The relation between the field document type in the document header andin the document type master data table is defined in table TXW_C_RELA.

935189GDPdU, enhancements in the composite role SAP_AUDITOR_TAX
810014DART Version 2.4
806431Corrections for DART 2.3