Programme SAP RTXWLOG2_ADJUST_COMPCO - Data Retention Tool: Adjust Company Code in extract log

Report to adjust company code field in extract log.

The company code setting of the extract log is used in transaction FTWLto restrict the selection and to do a authority check.

You have the possibility to select extracts with initial company codefield only - or the report will select all available and archivedextracts. In addition you can get a proposal for the company code (foravailable extracts only) from the system. To get this information thereport read the company code information from segment TXW_SEL.
The report will process only available extracts (here a proposal by thesystem is possible) or archived extracts - the company code setting fordeleted extracts can not be changed with this report.

This report do a output of the extracts and allow the user to overwriteand save the settings for the company code in the extract log.
If a extract select data from different company codes the system will doa proposal "*" for the company code - this is also the setting that isused for new created extract files with multiple company codes.