Programme SAP RTPM_TRL_PERIODIC_REPORT - Treasury Ledger: Periodic Reporting

Periodic Reporting in Treasury Ledger



Input fields:

Currency 1, Date, Rate Type:
User-selected currencies with rate type and the date from which therate is to be taken. The system copies the currencies to the outputlists.

Rate Type, NPV Type:
If you do not make entries in these fields, the system transfers therate type or NPV type from the valuation.


Column Headings:
PC,,,,= ,,Position Currency
VC,,,,= ,,Valuation Currency
C1,,,,= ,,Currency 1
C2,,,,= ,,Currency 2
C3,,,,= ,,Currency 3
InV,,= ,, Initial Value (value at beginning of period)
AqV,,= ,,Aquisition Value
AAV,,,,= ,,Amortized Aquisition Value
BV,,,,= ,,Book Value
Iflw,,,,= ,,Inflows
UO,,,,= ,,Unscheduled Outflows
SO,,,,=,,Scheduled Outflows
TIflw,,,,=,,Transfer Inflows
TOflw,,,,=,,Transfer Outflows
Iflw Am,,=,,Inflows Amortization
Oflw Am,,=,,Outflows Amortization
EV,,,,=,,End Value (Value at end of period)
MV,,,,=,,Market Value
Unreal.G,,,,=,,Unrealized Exchange Gains
Unreal.L,,,,=,,Unrealized Exchange Losses
F,,,,=,,Fluctuation (Difference between initial value in currency 1 andcurrency 2)
Real. G,,=,,Realized Exchange Gains
Real. L,,=,,Realized Exchange Losses
Rev. ,,,,=,,Sales Revenue
W/DEqC p,,=,,Withdrawal from equity capital, positive
W/DEqC n,,=,,Withdrawal from equity capital, negative


Display Business Transactions
When you press the button 'Business Transactions', the system displaysthe business transactions for the period with the relevant amount inthe periodic fields in the position view. You select the positions forwhich the business transactions are to be displayed using the buttoncolumn. If no position is selected, business transactions are displayedfor the position on which the cursor is placed.