Programme SAP RS_MR_ATTACH_NEW_BSP_ROOT_XPRA - Neuzuordnung alter BSP-Namensraumordner zu neuem Präfix /SAP/BC/BSP

Reattachment of the old BSP namespace folders to the new prefix
/SAP/BC/BSP and adaption of the DDIC table SKWF_ROOT.
Beginning with release 6.40 we establish a new prefix /SAP/BC/BSP.
The old BSP namespace folders had entries in table SKWF_ROOT that
must be deleted. In addition, we have to reattach them to the new
prefix. This is necessary for all upgrades from 6.10/6.20 to
releases >= 6.40...

The new folders /SAP, /SAP/BC, /SAP/BC/BSP and /SAP/BC/BSP/SAP
are delivered with (basis) release 6.40. The new SKWF_ROOT-entry SAP
and the deletion of the old SAP-entry are delivered too. So, the
BSP namespace SAP is reattached automatically.

The BSP namespaces (i.e. SKWF_ROOT entries defined in releases
< 6.40) will be reattached and removed from SKWF_ROOT.