Programme SAP RSXADR21 - Preliminary Conversion Program (prestep) for CAM Conversion 4.5

See OSS note 97032 and the long text of message F2 770.

Before executing the report, note the statements in the OSS note 97032.

After executing the report, you can display the protocol by executingthe report RSXADR92.

169226Maintenance of titles before the upgrade
183587Clean-up of one-time addresses if conversion errors occur
210295Conversion RSXADR21 terminates if dataset is too large
731320Customers or vendors are missing in the duplicate index
97032Addresses: Preliminary conversion in Release 4.5/4.6/4.7
97802Tablespace sizes for conversion addresses for 4.5/4.6/4.7
410277Customer master records point to plant addresses after upgra