Title Conversion of event linkages into another table Purpose Events can be triggered for BOR objects and for business classes.However, business classes have longer names than BOR objects. Anidentifier is also required to determine the category in question withthe specified name of the object type. The table keys of the existing tables must be changed for the datarequired for the event linkages to be stored. However, for technicalreasons this is not possible for the existing tables. So new tables are defined for the definition of event linkages. Theexisting data of the event linkages in converted into the new tables bythis report. Features Selection The existing data is read from the existing linkage tables (SWETYPECOU,SWETYPEENA and SWEINSTCOU), and inserted into the current (new) tables. Activities The receivers of events are now determined only from the newly createdtables. If problems arise converting the data, actions (such asworkflows) may no longer be started because of events. Use the report RSWFEVTXPRA_ANALYSE to determine whether all data couldbe converted. |