Programme SAP RSUPGSUM - Upgrade Analysis for Repository Switch Upgrade

This report generates a runtime valuation for an upgrade (starting with30A).
You can choose the upgrade model in the selection screen. If you definean exclusion time in the field Exclude Times up to (s), you canmask out all the phases with a shorter runtime.
The standard value for this field is 120 seconds.
In the field Modification Adjustment Time, you can also
enter the time (in minutes) you required for the adjustment.

The report reads the data to be evaluated from a file which is acompressed form of file R3up.log. This compressed form is createdautomatically after the last phase of the upgrade. The file nameproposed as a parameter corresponds to this automatically created file.
You can create the compressed file yourself. Call program "R3up" in thelog directory of the upgrade with option getstat and direct theoutput to a file.

The following is output in a list:

  • Various information on the upgrade:

  • Source/target release
    Installation number and contact person for the upgrade
    Hardware and database information
    Number of clients and imported languages
    Information on parallelism of the upgrade
    Information on the modification adjustment
    • The times per phase

    • The total runtime of R3up

    • The various productive downtimes

    • The runtimes for selected programs and structural changes to the
    • database, which were performed during the upgrade. These lists aresorted according to these details.