Programme SAP RSSERP32 - Reporting trees: Copy node contents

This report copies various specified objects and/or attributes from a
source tree to a target tree. Source and target tree are specified in
a dialog box. The copy can take place between clients, but the function
is only supported from nodes which have the same name in both the source
and target tree. The nodes from an to which the objects and attributes
are to be copied can also be specified by the user in the dialog box.
If the report is run following a Release upgrade, it can be executed
by choosing the 'copy' function in Report RSSERP30 (compare reporting
trees after Release upgrade). The nodes which you wish to copy can be
selected beforehand - either singly or all (with the same name) in the
comparison report list. This selection is then forwarded to the report
which is then called.
During the test run, only a log is generated. This shows the intended
changes. If you do not select test run, database changes will be made.
The following objects are copied from the source tree to the target tree
as long as the corresponding parameters have been selected on the
selection screen:
- Authorization groups (node attributes)
- Reports and variants
- Report attributes (Only start with variant, skip selection screen)
Attributes in the target tree are overwritten. Reports and variants are
added. No reports or variants are deleted in the target tree.

The nodes from and to which you wish to copy must have the same names
in the source and target trees.

The log shows which objects will be (test run) or have been (no test
run) changed. In the case of authorization groups, the original and the
new authorization groups are displayed. For reports and variants, the
report and variant names and the assigned report attributes are
displayed. In the case of reports which have been changed, the new
report attributes are displayed.