Programme SAP RSSERP30 - Compare Report Trees at Release Upgrade

This report performs a cross-client comparison of the tree structureand node contents of an 'original' report tree and a 'copy'. Youspecify both the original and the copy on a selection screen.
The following checks are performed:

  • Is there a node in the copy with the same name?

  • Is this node with the same name in a different position in the tree?

  • Is there a node with a different name at the same position in the
  • original?
    • Have any nodes been deleted in the copy?

    • Are there nodes in the copy which do not exist in the original?

    • The node attributes (authorization groups) of nodes with the same nameor in the same position (renamed nodes?) are analyzed and displayed.Any nodes which have been added or deleted are also listed.
      You can select any or all of the nodes which have the same name in theoriginal and in the copy. You can then start a report which copies thenode attributes and contents for these nodes (reports, variants, reportattributes) from the original to the copy by choosing Copy. Onthe report selection screen, you can specify the source and targettrees and specific nodes. The user can choose which objects are to becopied. You can perform a test run of the report (no database changes),which generates a list of intended changes. You can check this beforemaking the database changes. You can also execute this reportindependently of the comparison. Its name is RSSERP32.
      The contents of the nodes are compared, and they can be displayed byselecting the node name. If the contents have not changed, the names ofthe reports and their associated variants appear on the screen. Wherecontents have changed, any reports and variants which have been addedor deleted in comparison with the original are displayed. The nature ofthe changes is shown as follows:
      - Position : The report is at another position in the node in the copy.
      - Start : The 'start with variant' attribute has changed
      - Sel.scrn : The 'skip selection screen' attribute has changed
      - Vari.pos : The variant has changed position
      - deleted : The variant was deleted
      - Vari new : The variant is new