Programme SAP RSRD_BROADCAST_BATCH - Scheduling of Broadcast Settings

You can use this report to schedule any broadcast settings manually forbackground processing. To do this, save the required set of broadcastsettings in a variant and create the relevant background job (usingtransaction SM36).
By including this report in a process chain, you can start broadcastsettings from the process chain (process type "ABAP program").
Note: When broadcast settings are executed, processes for otherusers generally need to be started. To ensure that this is possible,this report should be started by a user who is authorized to do this(authorization object S_BTCH_NAM).

When the broadcast settings are processed, an application log iswritten; you can view this log in the Administrator Workbench underAdministration -> Broadcasting -> Log Display
(or by calling transaction RSRD_LOG). To do this, select BATCH inthe Subobject field.