Programme SAP RSPHXPR2 - SAPphone: Data transfer for more DN support from 4.6A to 4.6B

Up until Release 4.6A, only one telephone number could be specified foreach work center in the SAPphone environment. As from Release 4.6B, youcan specify as many telephone numbers as you like for each work center.Therefore, table conversion is required: The telephone number and thetelephone server, which were previously stored in table SPH_TERMNLalong with the other work center settings, are now stored in tableSPH_EXTNSN.
This XPRA report carries out table conversion during the upgrade fromreleases as of 4.5A to releases as of 4.6B.

If you perform an upgrade from a release that is older than 4.5A, theconversion cannot be carried out centrally. In this case, the reportRSPHTDRH has to be called on every work center that uses SAPphone. TheXPRA does then not have to be performed.


The program reads the whole of table SPH_TERMNL. For each entry, it ischecked whether there is already an entry in table SPH_EXTNSN. It isalso checked whether there is already an entry with the samecombination of telephone number and server. This should not be the caseif the flow is correct (at the time of the upgrade and with no entriesin table SPH_EXTNSN). A new entry is then created in table SPH_EXTNSNwith the work center ID, the telephone number and the server from tableSPH_TERMNL. The new flag TYPE in table SPH_EXTNSN is set so that thetelephone number supports the same functions as before.