Programme | Description |
RSHTTP99 | HTTP Content Server: Test mCreate |
RSHTTPPIN | Http Client Test |
RSHTTPV1 | Http Client Test |
RSI18N_SEARCH | Database Scan Tool |
RSI18N_SEARCH_TEST | Test environment for report RSI18N_SEARCH |
RSI18N_SJISDUP_MAP_TEST | Replacement for SJIS duplicates |
RSI18N_UPGUCLANG | Convert Half-width Katakana to Full-width Katakana |
RSIBUHTML | IBU conversion report |
RSIC1 | InfoCube maintenance start screen |
RSICC000 | SAP Initial Consistency Check |
RSICFCHK | SICF Public Services and Services with Logon Data |
RSICFCLTST01 | Test Framework for Class CL_HTTP_CLIENT |
RSICFCLTST02 | Test: States in Class CL_HTTP_CLIENT (Create Internally) |
RSICFCONSTHAND | Report for Checking Consistency of the ICF |
RSICFDLT | Remove and Deactivate ICF Analysis Tools (e.g. for Debugging) |
RSICFDMN | System Processing Routine for Internet Communication Framework (ICF) |
RSICFJOB | Internet Communication Framework - Clean Up Background Job |
RSICFLOGONTEST01 | Test Report: Logon Procedure and Inheritance of Logon Data |
RSICFSERVER | Monitor Current ICF Features (Debug, Trace, Atra) on Appl. Servers |
RSICFTREE | Maintain Services |
RSICFTREE_UPG_TO_GE_602 | Report for Upgrades From Rel. (<6.20) to Rel. (>=6.20) re. ICF Tree |
RSICF_SERVICE_ACTIVATION | ICF: Report for Activating Special Service During Installation |
RSICNSWT | System Switch Upgrade: Modify TBATG for Tables in the ICNV |
RSIKONEN | Display Icons |
RSIMC000 | Test Program for Intersession Communication (Amodal Window) |
RSIMC001 | Test Program for Intersession Communication (Amodal Window) |
RSIMC002 | Test Program for Intersession Communication (Amodal Window) |
RSIMC003 | Test Program for Intersession Communication (Amodal Window) |
RSIMCTRX | Test Program for Intersession Communication (Amodal Window) |
RSIMCTST | Test Program for Intersession Communication (Amodal Window) |
RSIMG022 | Call Routines for Table Comparison |
RSIMG024 | Transfer selection fields / notes to local project |
RSIMG053 | Display SIMG_MAND structure |
RSIMGASAP | Generation of Project IMG views for ASAP |
RSIMGCHECK | Check consistency of IMG project data repository |
RSIMGEXE | Reporting Structure: Start Program |
RSIMGOA1 | IMG: Calling Program for Comparison of TCUSV-EMPTY for Primary Tables |
RSIMGOA2 | IMG: Compare Field TCUSV-EMPTY. Check Whether Table Still Empty |
RSIMGOLEWORD | Test report for OLE word processing interface connection |
RSIMG_CALL | rsimg_call |
RSIMG_CHECK_P_IMG_TREE | Check of Project IMG Entries in the Table TTREE |
RSIMG_COLLECT | Collection of all the parts of an IMG structure in one object list |
RSIMPCONTENT | Transfer applications, InfoSources from the Business Content |
RSIMPCURFILE | Transfer Exchange Rates: Selection |
RSIMPCURR | Transfer exchange rates: Selection |
RSIMPCUST | Transfer global settings: Selection |
RSIMPTRM | Proposal Pool: Program to Import the New Proposal Pool from File |
RSINCGEN | Generation of the repository switch includes |
RSINCL00 | ABAP Program Reference List |
RSINDCHK | Checks which secondary indexes in the upgrade were created in advance |
RSINDCRE | Preliminary Creation of Secondary Indexes in Upgrade |
RSINDDS1 | DSYS: Individual Indexing |
RSINDDS2 | DSYS: Mass Indexing |
RSINDDS4 | DSYS Book Indexer |
RSINDDS6 | Delete Complete DSYS Index (Entries in FINK/P/T,SFINO,FINI) |
RSINDELE | Deleting an INFO or RELN Text (or De-indexing) |
RSINDEX1 | Index and statistics for InfoCubes |
RSINDIN0 | Conversion: Info System Texts IN + ID -> IN |
RSINDIN2 | DSYS: Mass Indexing |
RSINDIN6 | Mass Indexing of RELN |
RSINDRE2 | Mass Indexing of RELN |
RSINDRE6 | Mass Indexing of RELN |
RSINDRE7 | Mass Indexing RELN, German Only |
RSINDRE8 | Mass Indexing RELN (English only) |
RSINDSO6 | Mass Indexing of SAPoffice Objects (Client-specific) |
RSINDSTP | Preliminary Creation of Secondary Indexes in Upgrade - Stopper |
RSINDTX0 | Test Retrieval of SAPscript Standard Texts |
RSINDTX1 | Mass Indexing of SAPscript Standard Texts |
RSINDTX2 | Mass Indexing of SAPscript Standard Texts |
RSINDTX5 | Mass Indexing of SAPscript Standard Texts in Different Clients |
RSINDTX6 | Mass Indexing of SAPscript Standard Texts in Different Clients |
RSINDTX7 | Mass Indexing of SAPscript Standard Texts in the New Client |
RSINDX00 | Analyze ABAP Cluster Tables |
RSINDXCHECK | Scan INDX-Like Tables |
RSINDXLI | WFEDI: Output of CATT data from the INDX list |
RSINDXUPD | Print parameter conversion in table INDX |
RSINF000 | INFORMIX Performance Analysis |
RSINF000N | INFORMIX Performance Analysis |
RSINF001 | INFORMIX Database (from sysdatabases) |
RSINF002 | INFORMIX Tables (from systabnames) |
RSINF003 | INFORMIX Session Waits Profiles (from sysseswts) |
RSINF004 | INFORMIX Logical Logs (from syslogs) |
RSINF005 | INFORMIX Chunks (from syschunks) |
RSINF006 | INFORMIX Dbspaces (from sysdbspaces) |
RSINF007 | INFORMIX Locks (from syslocks) |
RSINF008 | INFORMIX Active Sessions (from syssessions) |
RSINF009 | INFORMIX Session Activity Profile (from syssesprof) |
RSINF010 | INFORMIX VP Profile (from sysvpprof) |
RSINF011 | INFORMIX Extents listings (from sysextents) |
RSINF012 | INFORMIX Profile Listing (from sysprofile) |
RSINF013 | INFORMIX Data Replication Info (from sysdri) |
RSINF014 | INFORMIX Chunk io stats (from syschkio) |
RSINF015 | INFORMIX Partition Profile (from sysptprof) |