Programme SAP CACS_SUMREBUILD_GENERATOR - Totals Table Generation: Generator

Deletion and Regeneration of Totals Tables

You can use this report if you need to delete and then regenerate totalstables. The report deletes the data records in the existing totals tableand regenerates them in each document table.
In the commission system, each customer can define their own totalstables in addition to the standard totals tables that SAP delivers.Additional customer tables are not known to SAP in advance. Therefore,this report is generated depending on the selected totals table.
During the runtime, the information that is relevant to the selectedtotals table (such as key and date fields) is selected in the datadictionary and processed in the report for the generation of theselection screen and the lists.
The name of the generated report uses the naming convention <(><<)>APPL>__REBUILD. Once the report has finished,this is deleted again and is no longer available.
The report can only be started by users that have the E_CACS_APP andE_CACS_ADM authorization objects.

You can enter the application and the totals table to be deleted andregenerated on the first selection screen. After you have entered theapplication and chosen ENTER, the F4 help provides all the totals tablesthat are contained in the application. Internal checks ensure that onlytotals tables for the selected application can be deleted andregenerated by this report. If you enter a different table name,processing does not start.
The deletion package size determines the number of data records afterwhich a COMMIT takes place during deletion. The default value is 5,000.Each user can overwrite this value as required.
The second selection screen displays all the key fields as selectionoptions for the selected totals tables. You can, therefore, delete andregenerate as required by using certain key terms. If you do not enterany selection options, the system deletes and regenerates all existingdata records in the table.
The test run mode is the default setting. The system displays a listthat shows which records would be deleted from the table in an updaterun, and those that would be transferred again.
If you start the report in an update run, a log is always written, inwhich the number of deleted and regenerated records is listed. If therecords were specified by selection options, these are also included inthe log. The log uses the application log and is stored in the temporarylogs. If required, a detailed log can also be created. This is output asa list, which can be saved for tracking the postings in the table. Thekey fields in the totals tables are displayed in dark blue and the datafields are light blue or gray.