Programmes SAP

Programme Description
RPULAEN0 Wage Return: Check Master Data
RPULAJN0 Determine Legal Person (NL)
RPULALN0 Wage Return: Downloading XML Display for Return from TemSe
RPULCCG0 HR GB: Batch Update of Payroll Status for Leavers with Company Cars
RPULCP00 Support for Importing HR Support Packages
RPULEAV0 Batch-processing of holiday absences - lock/unlock
RPULKT00 Transfer Old Payroll Account from Sequential File to Table T558A
RPULKTIDOC Generate IDoc From Legacy Data Transfer Interface (T558B, D)
RPULORE0 Evaluation of protocol for accessing protected data
RPULUCV0 Single book cluster unicode conversion
RPULUMD0 Report to transfer LU cluster from december 2008 to january 2009
RPULZ5A0 PCALZ-Erweiterung: Anlegen zusätzlicher Lohnzettel mit Lohnzettelart 5
RPULZ5AV PCALZ-Erweiterung: Erstellung eines vorläufigen Jahreslohnzettels 2007
RPUMAB00 MiniApp Birthday List
RPUMAJ00 MiniApp Anniversary List
RPUMARU0 Load Marital Statuses for tax authorities
RPUMIGG0 Migration of Company Car infotype (0222,0225, 0014) -> (0442)
RPUMKD00 Features Directory
RPUMKG00 Generate features
RPUMKG00_CHECKMAN Activate Features
RPUMKGCL_CHECKMAN Call generate-and-rebuild in RPUMKG00
RPUMKN00 Create Number Range for Features
RPUMKR00 Set Default Values for Features
RPUMKS00 Feature Structure
RPUMKX00 HR: Generate Features
RPUMMLG1 Convert T512Z IT3003 to T510X
RPUMNIG0 Migration report for NI Data Take-on table
RPUMS40A75 Conversion of T582A -> T777D/T77ID
RPUMS40CCI XPRA for generation of infotype include
RPUMSPNPPCH Conversion Program ´/´ Name Range
RPUNICG0 HR-GB: National Insurance Conversion Program
RPUNIIJ0 Batch Input Utility for Nursing Insurance (Japan)
RPUNIIJ1 Batch Input Utility for Nursing Insurance (Japan)
RPUNOAU1 Nature of Action Configuration (4.7)
RPUNOAU2 External report for Nature of Action Validations
RPUNQF_SETUPW0 Initial Configuration of NQF
RPUNSHA0 Übernahme externer NSchG-Daten in das Cluster NS
RPUNTUK0 New Year Tax Update Utility (Infotype 0224)
RPUOCB00 Subsequent Processes of Off-Cycle Activities
RPUOCF00 Centralized Printing of Payroll Forms from ESS Scenario
RPUOCGDL Reorganisation indicator table off-cycle batch processing
RPUOCL00 Subsequent Process for Mass LTI Processing
RPUOCP00 Subsequent Processes of Off-Cycle Payroll Runs
RPUOCR00 Subsequent Processes of Check Replacement
RPUOCUE0 Cut-off of infotype 61 and "Employment" field proposal
RPUOINE0 Cluster adjustment usability for INEM contracts
RPUORGV0 Convert org. numbers into reporting structure
RPUORQQP Common Data Area - Actual
RPUORTD0PBS Conversion of Family-Related Bonus
RPUOTFL0 Outsourcing Idoc Utility for downloading
RPUOTTBL Outsourcing: Conversion of T558Bto T5UOT for Term/Inactive recording
RPUOUTF0 RPUOUTF0 - Convert T512W wage types PRCL '55' spec '0' to spec ' '
RPUOUTIDOC Idoc generieren aus Altdatenübernahmeschnitstelle (T558B, D)
RPUOVRLP Test Program for Finding Entries with Overlapping Periods
RPUP0000 Convert Status Indicator (Infotype 0000 - Actions) acc. to T529A
RPUP0001 Adjust Fields acc. to Org. Assignment
RPUP0031 Conversion of infotypes 'RefPerNo' and 'RefPerNo' priority
RPUP0071 Update of All Infotype 70 and 71 Records to Include British Pounds
RPUP0096 Convert Inf. 0096 into 0207, 0208, 0210, 0234, 0235
RPUP02E0 Maintain infotype 0002 with change in field PERID logic
RPUP04F0 Update Infotyp 0004: Degree of challenge
RPUP07B0 HR-BE: Update infotype 0107 (Planned Working Time) records
RPUP16B0 HR-BE: Update infotype 0109 (Contract Elements) records
RPUP16E0 Copy TICON and FERED to the I0016 contract extension
RPUP1D00 Display and Delete Individual Records from File PCL1
RPUP1D10 Delete a Set of Records from File PCL1
RPUP2D00 Display and Delete Single Records in Database PCL2
RPUP2D10 Delete a Set of Records from the Database PCL2
RPUP2DQ0 Display and Delete of Advance Pay Records.
RPUP3D00 Display and Delete Single Record from File PCL3
RPUP3D10 Delete a Set of Records from File PCL3
RPUP4D00 Display and Delete Single Record from File PCL4
RPUP4D10 Delete Records from Database PCL4
RPUP61E0 Change pay scale code (field PLNSS) in IT 61
RPUP61E1 Convert contract type in IT 61
RPUP62E0 Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period
RPUP62E1 Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period
RPUP62E3 Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period
RPUP84K0 Utility to update Processing 84 for Canada specific Wagetypes
RPUP88G0 HR-GB: Infotype 88 Conversion
RPUP90E0 Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period
RPUP90E1 Create new I0090 record for irregular performances.
RPUPADC2 HR-CH: Assign/delete employee attributes
RPUPADF0 Total profit sharing release
RPUPAIF0 Annual payment of profit sharing interest
RPUPAPF0 Partial Profit Sharing Release
RPUPARF0 Accumulation of employee profit sharing
RPUPARP0 HR-PT: Load table T5P6P with parish codes from file
RPUPASJ0 Set subtype/bank from IT0144 to conversion table T5J98
RPUPASJ1 Convert from IT0144 to IT0169
RPUPAV00 Regeneration of Additional ITs for Views
RPUPBS5A Umsetzreport Tabelleninhalt von T5APBS15 auf T5APBS20
RPUPBSD1_DYNUPDT Dynamic update of Basic pay (I0008) to include Higher duty allowance
RPUPBSM0_POPUP_PBS_WAGETYPES PBS wage type intervals and their assignment to SAP WTs
RPUPBSQ0 Increment Due Report
RPUPBSQ1 Increment Register
Lignes 40201 to 40300 de 57103 entrées
1 401 402 403 404 405 572