Programmes SAP

Programme Description
RPUCOBUNASTATUS COBRA Unavailability Status Report
RPUCODP0 HR-PT: Update table T5PCP with postal codes from file
RPUCONR0 Consolidation for Address format change
RPUCORF0PBS Assign admin area to a collective convention/an application field
RPUCOUG0 Court Order Processing Conversion to 4.5A
RPUCOUP0 HR-PT: Load table T5P6C with council codes from file
RPUCPC00 Convert cluster PC(PCL1) Submit by RPUCPC50
RPUCPC50 XPRA to Convert Table PCL1, Cluster PC: Version 01 -> 02
RPUCPCJ0 HR-J PCL2 Conversion : Wage Type (2.2 => 3.0B)
RPUCPCJ9 HR-J PCL2 Conversion : Cluster RJ/SJ/TJ/GJ (2.2 => 3.0B)
RPUCPCJX HR-J PCL2 Conversion : Cluster RJ/SJ/TJ/GJ (2.2 => 3.0B)
RPUCPCJY HR-J PCL2 Conversion : CRT Reorg (2.2 => 3.0B)
RPUCPCP0 HR-PT: Update address data according to new postal codes format
RPUCPSN0 Conversion Report for Changeover from T5N1Q to T5N5Q
RPUCQ0D0 Conversion of Cluster Q0 to New Keys (Version 3)
RPUCRAA0 Convert Cluster RA (PCL2), Austria XPRA
RPUCRBB0 Conversion Cluster RB(PCL2), Payroll Belgium
RPUCRCC0 Conversion of Cluster RC(PCL2), Swiss Version XPRA
RPUCRDD0 Convert Cluster RD (PCL2), Germany XPRA
RPUCRDOE Maintain Tables in Cluster RD for Conversion to IT Views
RPUCREE0 Cluster RE (PCL2) conversion, Spain version; XPRA
RPUCRFF0 Convert Cluster RF(PCL2), France XPRA
RPUCRNN0 Conversion Cluster RN (PCL2) (NL)
RPUCRPP0 Convert cluster RP (PCL2), Portuguese Version
RPUCRR00 Delete Date "Earliest Master Data Change"
RPUCRT00 Recreation of Cumulation Tables - International Version
RPUCRT00_CE Recreation of Cumulation Tables - International Version
RPUCRT0P Recreation of cumulation tables - international version
RPUCRTJ0 Recreation of Cumulation Tables - Japan
RPUCRUU0 Convert Cluster RU (PCL2), USA Version XPRA
RPUCRXX0 Convert Cluster RX (PCL2), International Version
RPUCSRN0 Update savings data in the payroll past
RPUCT200 Modifying proc/eval/cumul.class in T512W (T512U/T513U accordingly)
RPUCT300 Generate INCLUDE from T52A0
RPUCT700 Report Generation from T52A0 (Choice of Procedure)
RPUCT800 Fill Operation Code T52C5
RPUCTA00 Deletes Unnecessary Table Entries From T52B Tables
RPUCTB00 Old Name --> New Name in Tables T52A0, T52B*, T52C*
RPUCTC00 List Personnel Calculation Rules
RPUCTCP0 HR-PT: Convert entries in T5PTC to T5PAB and T5PWS
RPUCTE00 Environment Analyzer: Functions, Operations, Schemas, PCRs
RPUCTF00 Change Attributes for Schemas and Personnel Calculation Rules
RPUCTG00 Report for Deleting Superfluous Entries in T52C5/E
RPUCTI00 Lists Subschemas Not Called Up In Any Other Schema
RPUCTJ00 Lists Personnel Calculation Rules Which Are Not Called Up
RPUCTP00 Generation of Payroll Periods
RPUCTP10 Generate calendar for cumulations and deductions
RPUCTP20 Generate Further Date Specifications
RPUCTP50 Generate cumulation table T56C3
RPUCTPM0 Generation of Transfer Dates for Special Payroll
RPUCTX00 Copy Personnel Calculation Rules from Client 000 to Other Clients
RPUCTZ00 Fill Operation Code T52C5 (All Clients)
RPUCUS00 CUSTOMIZING: Dynamic Access of Subset Views
RPUCUS01 RPUCUSBA parameters overview
RPUCUS10 CUSTOMIZING: Dynamic Access of Subset Views
RPUCUS14 CUSTOMIZING: Dynamic Access of Subset Views
RPUCUS16 CUSTOMIZING: Call Report RPUCTF00 with Parameters
RPUCUS20 Customizing: Call Country Grouping Specific Subfeatures
RPUCUS21 Customizing Transaction: PE51 Parameters
RPUCUS23 Customisingtransaction: Parameters PUFK
RPUCUS30 Customizing: Dynamic Selection of Schema for Maintenance
RPUCUS50 CUSTOMIZING: Dynamic Call of View Clusters with Subsetviews
RPUCUS70 Time Management
RPUCUSC0 HR-CH: Execution of actions from IMG
RPUCUSIW Incentive Wages
RPUCUSPE Starts Transactions PE01, PE02, PE03 by using SET/GET 'CUO', 'CUS'
RPUCVT30 Convert table T030 for transactions HRC, HRF, HRD, HRK (Utility 4.0)
RPUCVZN0 Care Insurance Board: Manual Entry of De-/Registrations or Updates
RPUCWXB1 Conversion Cluster WX (PCL2), Total SI, Belgium
RPUCWYB0 Conversion Cluster WY (PCL2), BELCOTAX results (Belgium)
RPUCXAA0 Convert Cluster XA (PCL2), Austria XPRA
RPUCXEE0 Cluster XE (PCL2) conversion, Spain version XPRA
RPUCYC00 Compare PCRs
RPUCYD00 Directory of Personnel Calculation Rules
RPUCZL00 Convert Cluster ZL (PCL2)
RPUC_CRM_EXC_PACKAGES_2 Exclude Packages from Checkman Checks
RPUC_T512P Check T512P: Blank Lines in Non-Original Languages
RPUC_T52C2 Prüfe Tabelleneinträge in T52C2
RPUC_TCHECK Tabelleneinträge prüfen und bereinigen
RPUC_TRESN Reservations for TRESN
RPUC_UCTF_SAP Change Attributes for Schemas and Personnel Calculation Rules
RPUC_UMKR_SAP Set Default Values for Features
RPUD00JC HR-J(3.0D):Conversion P0144 Program
RPUD3AD0 Indicate and delete DEUEV notifications
RPUD3MD0 Reports des SV-Meldewesens im Verteilten Reporting starten
RPUD3ZD0 Antrag auf Zulassung zum maschinellen Meldeverfahren
RPUDAFA0 Creation of Directory AF from the Garnishment Clusters AE
RPUDANB0 Statistics of TemSe data
RPUDANB1 Statistics for TemSe data
RPUDAQ9S_VIEW Program For Getting All Components Of A Forms
RPUDBIW0 Deletion of obsolete bank records from the CDV table
RPUDBSE0 Maintenance of tables T5E43/T5E44/T511P
RPUDCCD0 Prüfung der Stammdaten auf DEÜV-Zulässigkeit
RPUDDQD0 Structure of Directory DQ from DP Garnishment Clusters
Lignes 39901 to 40000 de 57103 entrées
1 398 399 400 401 402 572