Programme SAP CACS_ELTAPPLSET - ELT - Reserve Standard Delivery for Commission Application

You use this program to transfer the standard settings that weredelivered for the entitlement and liability transfer (ELT) withFramework for Object Assignment.

The following activities are executed:

  • Creation of a new application plug

  • Assignment of generated functions to the
  • application plug methods
    • Assignment of delivered assignment type with the new
    • application plug

      The configuration of the Framework for Object Assignment delivered forthe ELT can be reserved for one commission application only.
      To transfer entitlements and liability for more than one commissionapplication in a client, you need to copy the template settings thatwere delivered for the ELT with Framework for Object Assignment.

      Once the program has run, the standard delivery of the ELT is availablefor the required commission application.
      Note that when you run this report, the standard delivery of Frameworkof Object Assignment is not changed. It is simply reserved for use withthe specified commission application. This means that the standarddelivery is still subject to changes delivered by SAP in notes, patches,and upgrades.
      If, however, you do not want to use the standard delivery, you need tocopy the template settings into the customer namespace.