Programme | Description |
RPDSNS_COUNT_OLD | HRDSYS: Display Table Entries Using ALV (Old Tables) |
RPDSNS_DELETE_OLD_PHIO | HRDSYS: Delete PHIO From the Old Tables |
RPDSV1D0 | Documentation from HI Companies |
RPDSV2D0 | Documentation on SI calculation |
RPDSV3D0 | Documentation on SI calculation |
RPDSVCD0 | Anzeige der Daten der maschinellen Beitragssatzdatei |
RPDSYS00 | HR System Documentation |
RPDTGP00 | Daily and Period Work Schedules |
RPDTRA00 | Transaction Overview |
RPDTWKN0 | Delete retroactive SI notifications from T5N1T |
RPDV57FI | report 57 Obligatory monthly declaration of personnel movements |
RPDV90FI | Consult communication tables |
RPDZVCD2 | Dokumentation Customizing (ZV-Meldewesen) |
RPEGALL | Pegging: Collective Processing |
RPEGDISPL | Pegging: Assignments Overview |
RPEGDISPLCHDOC | Pegging: Change Documents - Breakpoints |
RPEGERRORREPORT | Pegging: Fill Pegging Worklist - All Unpegged Replenishments |
RPEGFILLWLST | Pegging: Fill Pegging Worklist - Specific Replenishments |
RPEGINTRANSITDISPL | Pegging: Goods In Transit Overview |
RPEGMAN001 | Pegging: Assignment Changes |
RPEGMASS01 | Pegged Requirements Display (Collective Processing) |
RPEGQTYDISPL | Pegging: Goods Issues Overview |
RPEGSTKCPARE | Pegging: Compare GPD Stock with Project Stock Table |
RPEGSTKDISPL | Pegging: Stock Overview |
RPEGTRANSFER | Pegging: Group To Group Transfer Processing for Sub-Components |
RPEXIT00 | Dummy-Report zum Abbruch eines beliebigen Reports mittels SUBMIT |
RPEXPDAO0 | Export |
RPFAIM_FILL_FTYPEMATCH_KEYS | Fill Keys of Table for Assigning Flow Types to PA Flow Types |
RPFAIM_FILL_UTYPEMATCH_PROP | Generation of Default Values for PA Cash Flow Relevance of Update Type |
RPFL00FI | File Layout - FADP |
RPFLAYFI | Start file format program |
RPFORMU0PBS | Form 1042-S Printing |
RPFORMU0PBS_CE | 1042-S reporting CE |
RPFSMDAT | Select Master Data for Transfer |
RPFT05P0 | HR-PT: Convert PRCOD entries in T5PP2 to T5PP1 |
RPGS1PPM | CIF-PPM: Transfer of Selected Production Versions |
RPH00001 | |
RPHALGEN | BW20PI: Generate DataSource for Customer-Defined General Hierarchies |
RPHALGEN30 | BW20PI: Generate DataSource for Customer-Defined General Hierarchies |
RPHASETS | BW20PI: Generating DataSource for Cust. Ref. SETs Hierarchies |
RPHA_DEL | BW20PI: Deleting a Generated HIER DataSource in Source System |
RPHDYNPG | HR: Generator for screen header |
RPHEAD00 | Calculation of head count |
RPHGEN00 | Generate Master Data Header after Transport |
RPHRPYU0_TEMPLATE | HRUS Report Template |
RPHZVCD0 | Deletion Report for Specific Deletion of SP Notifications Runs |
RPHZV_VERSAND | Print Delivery Papers for Data Medium for Suppl. Pension (PSG) |
RPI0008BPBS | SAP-HR Belgian Public Sector : Evolution of ifty 0008 with seniority |
RPI510VP | Update entries in Table T510 (Norway Public Sector) |
RPI730I0 | Loading Batch Input for Infotype 0483 (I) |
RPI730I1 | Progr. RPI730I1 |
RPI730I2 | Batch Input of Infotype 0483 (I) loading |
RPI730I3 | Loading Batch Input for Infotype 0483 (I) |
RPI730I4 | Report RPI730I4 |
RPI730I5 | |
RPI730I6 | Report RPI730I6 |
RPI731I0 | Batch-input for LD 268 - 20/09/2000 (financial law advance 2001) |
RPIABSS0 | Absence legal adjustments (SE) |
RPIADUC0 | HR-CH: Create Batch Input Session for Legacy Data Transfer |
RPIADVL0 | Batch Input For Advance Payment |
RPIALRW0 | Age Letter Reminder Batch Input Program |
RPIANTE0 | Batch-input Seniority: Maintain Infotypes 0008 and 0092 |
RPIASHD0 | Abgrenzung der Stufenhalbierung im öffentlichen Dienst |
RPIATLD0 | DATZ: Auswertung unbezahlter Fehlzeiten im Blockmodell |
RPIATZD0 | DATZ: Batch-Input zur rückwirkenden Korrektur der Lohnart /61O |
RPIAVAD0 | Contribution Reimbursement Using Batch Input |
RPIAVEF0PBS | PS level promotion: update classifications |
RPIAVGF0PBS | Grade advancement: nomination to new grade |
RPIAVZD0 | Erstellen einer Batch-Input-Mappe mit neuen ZfA-Antragsdaten |
RPIBBLN0 | Batch Input Session for Initializing Infotype Fiscal Data (0060) |
RPIBGAA0 | Umsetzung von SV-Beitragsgruppen (altersabhängig) Österreich |
RPIBGUA0 | Umsetzung von SV-Beitragsgruppen in den Stammdaten Österreich |
RPIBLVD0 | Batch Input for Teams/Construction Site Substitution |
RPIBMVA0 | Batch-Input: Pflege der Daten zur Mitarbeitervorsorge bei Übertritt MV |
RPIBRT00 | Evaluation of Appraisals |
RPIBRT01 | Group Value for Appraisal Evaluation |
RPIBRTN0 | RPIBRTN0: Percentage Direct Wage Type Increase |
RPIBVUD0 | Batch-Input zum Abgrenzen alter Zusatzversorgungen für BV-Versicherte |
RPIBZVD0 | Batch-Input-Mappe Infotyp 0699 Zusatzversorgung Bauwirtschaft |
RPIC01CON | PIC: mass consistency check for interchangeable materials |
RPICARI0 | File loading for Batch Input |
RPICASN0 | Batch input for infotypes with reference to group registration |
RPICDSN0 | Batch Input Session to Introduce New Prof. Group Codes for IT0409 |
RPICHRP0 | HR-PT: Batch input to generate Christmas allowance wts in IT0015 |
RPICMP00 | Increase Release |
RPICMP40 | Batch Input: Compensation Administration (Old Version) |
RPICSETCREATE | PIC : Mass transaction to generate MPN-MRP sets |