Programme | Description |
RPCWRKM5 | Fill Prouezz Container before sending |
RPCWTDG0 | HR-GB: Working Time Directive |
RPCWUBD0 | Transfer income/contributions CPS |
RPCWUBD0_SUBMIT | Transfer income/contributions CPS |
RPCWVSD0 | Start calculation of pension using processing type |
RPCWVSD1 | Start Creation of Interface Data Using Processing Type |
RPCXMLK0_VALIDATE | XML File Validation in Relation to XML Schema |
RPCXPRA1 | Main: XPRA example |
RPCYECM0 | Read corrections from PBS accumulators fron T5M8W and store in file |
RPCYERK0 | Year End Reporting, Canada |
RPCYERK0_CE | Year End Reporting, Canada |
RPCYERK1 | Year End Reporting, Canada: Tax Form Reprint |
RPCYERK2 | Year End Reporting, Canada: Run Viewer |
RPCYERK2_CE | Year End Reporting, Canada: Run Viewer |
RPCYERK3 | Year End Reporting, Canada: Magnetic Media |
RPCYERK3_CE | Year End Reporting, Canada: Magnetic Media |
RPCYERK3_MRQ_XML | Year End Reporting, Canada: Magnetic Media - MRQ XML |
RPCYERK3_XML | Year End Reporting, Canada: Magnetic Media - CRA XML |
RPCYERK4 | Year End Reporting, Canada: Outsourcing |
RPCYERK5 | Year End Reporting, Canada: TemSe file -> PCL4 conversion utility. |
RPCYERK5B | TemSe file -> PCL4 conversion utility. |
RPCYERK6 | Year End Reporting, Canada: Combo. Outsourcing and Print Utility |
RPCYERK6_CE | Year End Reporting, Canada: Combo. Outsourcing and Print Utility |
RPCYERK7 | YE Amendment Reason Report, Canada. |
RPCYERKX | User Exits for Year-End Reporting (YER) |
RPCYERKZ | Year End Reporting, Canada: Customer exit for additional sort criteria |
RPCYERKZ_CE | Year End Reporting, Canada: Customer exit for additional sort criteria |
RPCZFAD0_BZ01 | Erstellen ZfA-Meldungen BZ01 |
RPCZFAD0_BZ02 | Erstellen ZfA-Meldungen BZ02 |
RPCZFAD0_INBOUND | Verarbeitung aller Meldungen im Eingangsverzeichnis |
RPCZFAD0_KZ01 | Erstellen ZfA-Meldungen KZ01 |
RPCZFAD0_KZ02 | Erstellen ZfA-Meldungen KZ02 |
RPCZFAD0_ZB01 | Verarbeiten ZfA-Meldungen ZB01 |
RPCZFAD0_ZK01 | Verarbeiten ZfA-Meldungen ZK01 |
RPCZIHD0 | Zuordnung von Eingangsmeldungen im Zahlstellenverfahren |
RPCZILD0 | Sachbearbeiterliste für Zahlstellen-Eingangsmeldungen |
RPCZIVD0 | Meldungen der Krankenkasse verarbeiten |
RPCZOBD0 | Bestandsmeldungen erstellen |
RPCZOHD0 | Übertragung von Meldungen der Zahlstelle an die Krankenkasse |
RPCZOLD0 | Sachbearbeiterliste für Zahlstellenmeldungen an die Krankenkasse |
RPCZOMD0 | Mahnliste für unbestätigte Beginnmeldungen |
RPCZOVD0 | Versorgungs-/Kapitalleistungsmeldungen erstellen |
RPCZSLD0 | Anzeige von Zahlstellenmeldungen |
RPCZULC0 | HR-CH: Calculate Bonus Wage Types |
RPCZVBD2 | Beitragsnachweis (ZV-Meldeprogramm 2006) |
RPCZVCD0 | Copy and Compare Entries Within SPF Tables |
RPCZVDD0 | Supplementary Pension Public Sector - Create Data Medium |
RPCZVDD2 | Datenträgererstellung (ZV-Meldeprogramm 2006) |
RPCZVDTAD0 | Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Transfer/Advice Note for Cont. |
RPCZVDTAD2 | Ermittlung der Beiträge (ZV-Meldeprogramm 2006) |
RPCZVDTSD2 | Überweisung der Beiträge (ZV-Meldeprogramm 2006) |
RPCZVFD2_PDF | Druckreport Lieferschein / Etikett ZV-Meldewesen |
RPCZVHD0 | Utility program for editing entries in cluster ZV |
RPCZVJD1 | Supplementary Pension:Public Sector-View Estimated Annual Contribution |
RPCZVKD2 | Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Contribution Statement |
RPCZVM2T | Data transfer from features in extended tables |
RPCZVMD0 | Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Create Notifications |
RPCZVMD1 | Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Print Notifications |
RPCZVMD2 | Meldungserstellung (ZV-Meldeprogramm 2006) |
RPCZVMD3 | Check Digit Procedure for Supplementary Pension Funds |
RPCZVSD0 | Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Calculation of Average |
RPCZVSHELLD0 | Usability Wrapper for Supplementary Pension Program PSG |
RPCZVUD0 | Subroutine Pool for Calculating ASB/SPF Contributions |
RPC_PAYROLL_RESULTS_V0 | Test Payroll Results |
RPDABSV0 | Absence documentation and consistency check (Norway) |
RPDABWD0 | Absences documentation and consistency check (D) |
RPDADVFI | Read and change TemSe file |
RPDASC00 | Formatting schemas and personnel calculation rules |
RPDAVMD0 | Dokumentation Altersvermögensgesetz |
RPDBVVD0 | Dokumentation Bankenversorgung |
RPDDICFI | Download information for FADP file format for ADP/GSI interface |
RPDELCR0 | Delete IR8A cluster results |
RPDEM011 | HR: PROVIDE Statement |
RPDEM021 | HR: JOIN of Infotypes |
RPDEM022 | HR: Projection on Infotype Fields |
RPDFLSD0 | Übersichtsdarstellung für Fiktivläufe |
RPDHDL9S | Program Status Handler |
RPDHDL9SV1 | Program Status Handler |
RPDIND00 | Builds up T512J from T512U and stores SPRSL in T512U |
RPDINF01 | Infotypes and Subtypes |
RPDKON00 | Wage Type Assignment - Display G/L Accounts |
RPDKWI01 | KWIC Index for System Documentation |
RPDLAWC2 | Wage Statement 2005 - Use of Wage Types |
RPDLGA00 | Wage Types from Table T511 or T512T |
RPDLGA20 | Use of wage types in payroll |
RPDLGA40 | T512W: Cumulations, Evaluation Classes and Processing Classes |
RPDOWNFI | Download TEDC |
RPDPFD00VSPL | Call Hierarchy |
RPDPY1D0 | Dokureport zu T5DP1 |
RPDSCH00 | Key Plans for Education Types (P0022) |
RPDSHOWI | Display Infotypes with Data Dictionary Structures |
RPDSIBB0 | Generate SI declaration |
RPDSIFB0 | Personnel statement |
RPDSIGB0 | Download of SI Declaration File |
RPDSNS00 | Conversion report for RPDSYS customer documentation to HRDSYS docu. |
RPDSNS10 | Transport Tool for HRDSYS Customer Documentation |
RPDSNS20 | DSYS: Conversion of Short Text (T512U -> Object-Dependent Tables) |
RPDSNS_COUNT | HRDSYS: Display Table Entries Using ALV (New) |