Programme SAP CACSLC_LCC_DOCRE - Special Conversion Program for DOCRE

ICM tables CACS00_DOCRE and CACS00_DOCDT are dependent in such a waythat amount fields in table CACS00_DOCDT refer to the currency key intable CACS00_DOCRE. Such tables need special logic for conversion.
Program CACSLC_LCC_DOCRE converts tables CACS00_DOCDT and CACS00_DOCRE.

This program is triggered by the Local Currency Conversion (LCC)framework during CONVERSION phase.

This program converts amount fields in table CACS00_DOCDT and amountfields and currency key field in table CACS00_DOCRE. It also convertsamount fields added to these two tables using the ICM construction andgeneration tool.

The relevant fields in tables CACS00_DOCDT and CACS00_DOCRE areconverted.