Programme | Description |
ROIRA_ARC_DELETE | SSR History Archive - Delete |
ROIRA_ARC_READ | SSR Archive - Analysis |
ROIRA_ARC_RELOAD | SSR Archive - Reload |
ROIRA_ARC_WRITE | SSR History Archive - Write |
ROIRA_CHG_O3RCMM09 | SSR - Change program name for transaction O3RCMM09 |
ROIRA_CONVERT_DTLT_COUNTER | Conversion program to fill the DTLT counter field for existing DBT ent |
ROIRA_DBT_UNIQUENESS_CHECK | Table OIRADBT is checked for Duplicate records for key reduction |
ROIRA_DISPLAY_APPLICATION_LOG | Display application log |
ROIRA_DISPLAY_FILTERED_LOCS | Calls function module to display filtered locations |
ROIRA_LOCATION_GRP_OUTPUT | Location Based Group - Output Processing |
ROIRA_PRN_CFIELD_GEN | Generate customer field include for the document base table (OIRADBT) |
ROIRA_PROCESS_EXECUTION | SSR - Process execution |
ROIRA_PR_PROCESSING | SSR Print Document processing |
ROIRA_PR_PROCESSING_CHG | SSR Print Document Change |
ROIRA_PR_PROCESSING_DISP | SSR Print Document Display |
ROIRBALVLM1 | Create location list on general level |
ROIRBALVLM2 | Create location list with business type break down |
ROIRBALVLM3 | Create location list on business type level |
ROIRB_METER_ALPHA_CONVERSION | ALPHA Convert SEQNR for meters within SSR business location |
ROIRB_SET_STATUS | Set the initial status for business locations |
ROIRB_SHOW_USER_ADDRESS | Show user address |
ROIRB_UPDATE_TCLT | Update table entries in table TCLT (class G client dependent) |
ROIRC_DRH_CHECK | SSR Stocks - Errors check (dialog) |
ROIRC_DRH_CHECK_B | SSR Stocks - Error check (background) |
ROIRC_DRH_CHECK_D | SSR Stocks - Errors check (dialog) |
ROIRC_DRH_CLEAR | SSR Stocks - Readings maintenance |
ROIRC_DRH_LIST0 | SSR Stocks - Inventory maintenance |
ROIRC_DRH_LIST0_D | SSR Stocks - Stocks maintenance (D) |
ROIRC_DRH_LIST1 | SSR Stocks - Stocks differences report |
ROIRC_DRH_MAINT | SSR Stocks - Readings maintenance |
ROIRC_END_DAY_PROCESS | SSR Fuels - End day process |
ROIRC_LIST_PRDIF | SSR Pricing - List differences |
ROIRC_MATERIAL_MOVEMENTS | SSR Material document creation |
ROIRC_MRHAGG_REVIEW | Fuels meter readings - Aggregated data review |
ROIRC_MRH_CHECK | SSR Meters - Errors check (dialog) |
ROIRC_MRH_CHECK_B | SSR Meters - Error check (background) |
ROIRC_MRH_CHECK_C | SSR Meters - Error check (background) by location |
ROIRC_MRH_CHECK_D | SSR Meters - Errors check (dialog) |
ROIRC_MRH_CLEAR | SSR Meters - Clearing |
ROIRC_MRH_DELETE | SSR Meters - Quantitiy readings deletion |
ROIRC_MRH_LIST0 | SSR Meters - Meter readings reporting |
ROIRC_MRH_LIST2 | SSR Meters - Monthly reporting |
ROIRC_MRH_LISTD | SSR Meters - Deleted meter readings list |
ROIRC_MRH_MAINT | SSR Meters - Readings maintenance |
ROIRC_NETW_AVR_PR_DATE | Network average prices by date |
ROIRC_NETW_AVR_PR_LOC | Network average prices by location |
ROIRC_NETW_PR_CHANGES | Price changes for location network |
ROIRC_NETW_PR_CHG_DEALER | Network price change - delay overview |
ROIRC_NETW_PR_SPEC_TIME | Network prices at special time |
ROIRC_PRICE | Fuels Pricing Report |
ROIRC_PRICE_CHECK | SSR Pricing - Price check report (dialog) |
ROIRC_PRICE_COND_SELECT | SSR Pricing - Network and group price update |
ROIRC_PRICE_CUST_COPY | SSR Pricing - Copy error check customizing |
ROIRC_PRICE_CUST_LIST | SSR Pricing - List error check customizing |
ROIRC_PRICE_GROUP_ARCHIVE | Network and group pricing: Archive |
ROIRC_PRICE_GROUP_REPORT | SSR Pricing - Network and group price report |
ROIRC_PRICE_GROUP_REVERSE | SSR Pricing - Network and group price cancellation |
ROIRC_PRICE_GROUP_UPDATE | SSR Pricing - Network and group price update |
ROIRC_PRICE_HISTORY_LOC | Price history for location |
ROIRC_STOCKS_REVIEW | SSR Fuels - Stocks review process |
ROIRDC01 | Sapscript output for SSR Group output (daily claim) |
ROIREDTF | List payment card transactions |
ROIREDTFARCDBUKRCCIN_TEXTS | SSR DTF Archiving deletion program: Texts |
ROIREDTFARCSBUKRCCIN_TEXTS | SSR DTF Archiving show / display program |
ROIREDTFCORRECT | SSR PC: Automatic correction of error transactions |
ROIREDTFGEN2 | SSR PC: DTF Table Generator |
ROIREDTFSTATUPD | SSR PC: Statistical PC update of info structure S414 |
ROIRE_CHAAA | Display Condition Records |
ROIRE_CH_DAILY_REPORT | Payment Card Processing Daily Report |
ROIRE_CH_PROCESSING | Create CH Settlement/Data Transmission |
ROIRE_CH_PROCESSING_CHANGE | Change CH Settlement/Data Transmission |
ROIRE_CH_PROCESSING_DISPLAY | Display CH Settlement/Data Transmission |
ROIRE_COMPL | Complaint processing |
ROIRE_PCSTAT1 | PC Statistics: Monthly Overview |
ROIRE_PCSTAT2 | PC Statistics: Yearly Overview |
ROIRE_PCSTAT3 | PC Statistics: Annual differences |
ROIRE_PCSTAT4 | PC Statistics: Detailed Transaction File Information |
ROIRE_RECON | Create Reconciliation |
ROIRE_RECON_DISPLAY | Display Payment Card Reconciliation |
ROIRE_RECON_FILE_DISPLAY | List payment card transactions |
ROIRE_RECON_REVERSE | Reverse Payment Card Reconciliation |
ROIRE_S414_SAVE_FEES | Loop over S414, calculate fees, save -> report performance |
ROIRHCHSGEN | Clearing House Settlement Message Structure Generator (IS-Oil SSR) |
ROIRH_BULOCP_TRANSFER | Transfer of business location material prices |
ROIRH_LOC_MASTER_DATA_TRANSFER | Transfer of business location master detail data |
ROIRI412 | Post processing for margin analysis |
ROIRI_DAILY_REPORT | Daily claim report |
ROIRI_DISPLAY_PCTRANS | Display pyt card transactions from the billing document |
ROIRI_MARGIN_REPORT | Margin Analysis report |
ROIRI_REV_PERIODIC_INVOICES | Reverse periodic invoices |
ROIRI_S412RESET | reset processing flag for Margin analysis report |
ROIRI_SS_INVOICING | SSR Service Station Partner Invoicing |
ROIRLIS1 | External routine for update of S434 LIS structure |
ROIRLIS2 | External routine for DTF statistics update |