Programmes SAP

Programme Description
ROICA000 Customer Price List
ROICAN01 Report to display sold-to / ship-to relationship
ROICAN02 Report to display ship-to / sold-to relationship
ROICAN03 Integrity check of Quotation Price Table
ROICANAL Second level pricing analysis
ROICBRNFVAL IS-Oil Brazil SD Extension / Display recalculated Nota Fiscal values
ROICCHK_KNUM_TABLES Check KNUM-table content:Only allowed to be used for SAP Service staff
ROICTSFA Report is only allowed to be used for SAP Service staff
ROIC_PATTERN_ANALYSIS Pattern analysis of IS-OIL F&A Formulas for migration
ROIC_REVENUE_RECOG Report for Repricing the Sales order for which Revenue recog is on
ROIC_SDCLVOFM IS-Oil MAP: Direct Call of (Exit) Routines of a Group Id
ROID1SFR Possible entries: Bill of Lading
ROIF4100 Business Location Analysis
ROIF4105 Business location analysis: Selection versions
ROIFADRV Setting of ADRV-APPL_KEY for existing business locations
ROIFAM10 report to handle performs called by messages(O7)
ROIFAM20 report to change entries in TCLA(classification)
ROIFARCA Business location Archiving - Archiving Program
ROIFARCD Business location Archiving - Deletion Program
ROIFARCR Business location Archiving - Reload Program
ROIFAS00 report to fill oifsmcaddr
ROIFMCUP Conversion of int. name fields to upper case for business locations
ROIFOPBLTCONV Conversion of 'OIFOPBLT' settings to screen configuration
ROIFR061 Customer master adaption for ALE
ROIFSTAT Report to create status management objects
ROIFX_TKEFD_UPDATE Table entries of table TKEF (Type 'G') are corrected
ROIFX_TKEF_UPDATE_46B Table entries of table TKEF (Type 'G') are corrected
ROIFX_TKEF_UPDATE_46C Table entries of table TKEF (Type 'G') are corrected
ROIF_KEDRFIX CO-PA Characteristic Derivation: Derivation of Fixed Characteristics
ROIGADRD IS-Oil TD Archiving of driver master data - delete program
ROIGADRR IS-Oil TD Archiving of driver master data - read arch. session
ROIGADRV IS-Oil TD Archiving of driver master data - view single driver
ROIGADRW IS-Oil TD Archiving of driver master data - write program
ROIGARMD IS-Oil TD Archiving of rack meter master data - delete program
ROIGARMR IS-Oil TD Archiving of rack meter master data - read arch. session
ROIGARMV TD Archiving of rack meter master data - view single rack meter
ROIGARMW IS-Oil TD Archiving of rack meter master data - write program
ROIGASHD IS-Oil TD Archiving of shipments - delete program
ROIGASHV TD Archiving of Shipments - Display
ROIGASHW IS-Oil TD Archiving of shipments - write program
ROIGATUD IS-Oil TD Archiving of transport unit master data - delete program
ROIGATUR IS-Oil TD Archiving of transport unit master data - read arch. session
ROIGATUV IS-Oil TD Archiving of transport unit master data - view single object
ROIGATUW IS-Oil TD Archiving of transport unit data - write program
ROIGAVHD IS-Oil TD Archiving of vehicle master data - delete program
ROIGAVHR IS-Oil TD Archiving of vehicle master data - read arch. session
ROIGAVHV IS-Oil TD Archiving of vehicle master data - view single vehicle
ROIGAVHW IS-Oil TD Archiving of vehicle master data - write program
ROIGAVMD IS-Oil TD archiving of vehicle meter master data - delete program
ROIGAVMR IS-Oil TD archiving of vehicle meter master data - read arch. session
ROIGAVMV IS-Oil TD archiving of vehicle meter master data - view single object
ROIGAVMW IS-Oil TD archiving of vehicle meter master data - write program
ROIGCHGD Display Document Changes (TD shipment)
ROIGCST0 Customer-specific maintenance of message categories (T100C)
ROIGDID1 Select Drivers for IDOCs
ROIGDISPCH Display Vehicle Changes (TD shipment)
ROIGFQS0 TD Check shipment costing relevant tables
ROIGFQS1 TD-F Repair report for SCD's created from TD shipments
ROIGLOGD Select logs for collective run
ROIGMHDT IS-Oil Shipment Idoc fuellen
ROIGMID1 Rack Meters - Selection
ROIGMID2 Compartment Meters - Selection
ROIGMM00 Vehicle Meter Reconciliation
ROIGMS00 Delete Bulk Shipment after Loading
ROIGMS01 Check Inconsistency in Bulk Shipments
ROIGMS02 Correct deliveries removed from TD bulk shipments
ROIGRM00 Rack Meter Reconciliation
ROIGSD00 TD Delivery Selection
ROIGSD01 TD Document Selection
ROIGSID1 TPI: Distribute Shipment IDocs
ROIGSM00 In-Transit Stock Overview
ROIGSM01 Vehicle Reconciliation
ROIGSM02 Cancel TD Material document (created fr. Bulk Shipment)
ROIGSM03 TD Clear shipment stock and set gain/loss
ROIGSOVS TD Shipment Overview Report shell to call
ROIGSOVW TD Shipment Overview Report
ROIGSP02 SAPScript output for TD Bulk Shipments - Scheduling
ROIGSP04 SAPScript output for TD Bulk Shipments - Loading.
ROIGSPRC Output Determination for Delivery Confirmation - Change
ROIGSPRD Trigger SD Delivery Output for TD Shipments
ROIGSPRL Output Determination for Loading - Change
ROIGSPRP Output Determination for Scheduling (Ship/Vehicle/Plant) - Change
ROIGSPRS Output Determination data for Scheduling - Change
ROIGSSDL TD Delivery Selection
ROIGSSDS Assigned Shipments
ROIGTID1 Transport Unit - Selection
ROIGTRSL TD Find Shipments (e.g. for shipment costing)
ROIGVID1 Select Vehicles
ROIG_PAOBJ Check/change EA-GLTRADE conflict domain entries (W/1) for PAOBJ
ROIH01_REPLICATE Initial Replic. of OIH01 Rec. into Assigned Excise Tax Condition Table
ROIH1L01 Tax Revaluation Report (Status of Tax Revaluation)
ROIH1L04 Excise Duty Inventory check report - Material Valuation Differences
ROIH1L07 List of Stock Values: Balances of Excise duty
ROIHALAU Report for Material Document Archiving
ROIHALDL Archive Material Documents for Inv. Mgmt - Delete Program
ROIHALWR Archiving of licence information
Lignes 35901 to 36000 de 57103 entrées
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