Programme | Description |
ROICA000 | Customer Price List |
ROICAN01 | Report to display sold-to / ship-to relationship |
ROICAN02 | Report to display ship-to / sold-to relationship |
ROICAN03 | Integrity check of Quotation Price Table |
ROICANAL | Second level pricing analysis |
ROICBRNFVAL | IS-Oil Brazil SD Extension / Display recalculated Nota Fiscal values |
ROICCHK_KNUM_TABLES | Check KNUM-table content:Only allowed to be used for SAP Service staff |
ROICTSFA | Report is only allowed to be used for SAP Service staff |
ROIC_PATTERN_ANALYSIS | Pattern analysis of IS-OIL F&A Formulas for migration |
ROIC_REVENUE_RECOG | Report for Repricing the Sales order for which Revenue recog is on |
ROIC_SDCLVOFM | IS-Oil MAP: Direct Call of (Exit) Routines of a Group Id |
ROID1SFR | Possible entries: Bill of Lading |
ROIF4100 | Business Location Analysis |
ROIF4105 | Business location analysis: Selection versions |
ROIFADRV | Setting of ADRV-APPL_KEY for existing business locations |
ROIFAM10 | report to handle performs called by messages(O7) |
ROIFAM20 | report to change entries in TCLA(classification) |
ROIFARCA | Business location Archiving - Archiving Program |
ROIFARCD | Business location Archiving - Deletion Program |
ROIFARCR | Business location Archiving - Reload Program |
ROIFAS00 | report to fill oifsmcaddr |
ROIFMCUP | Conversion of int. name fields to upper case for business locations |
ROIFOPBLTCONV | Conversion of 'OIFOPBLT' settings to screen configuration |
ROIFR061 | Customer master adaption for ALE |
ROIFSTAT | Report to create status management objects |
ROIFX_TKEFD_UPDATE | Table entries of table TKEF (Type 'G') are corrected |
ROIFX_TKEF_UPDATE_46B | Table entries of table TKEF (Type 'G') are corrected |
ROIFX_TKEF_UPDATE_46C | Table entries of table TKEF (Type 'G') are corrected |
ROIF_KEDRFIX | CO-PA Characteristic Derivation: Derivation of Fixed Characteristics |
ROIGADRD | IS-Oil TD Archiving of driver master data - delete program |
ROIGADRR | IS-Oil TD Archiving of driver master data - read arch. session |
ROIGADRV | IS-Oil TD Archiving of driver master data - view single driver |
ROIGADRW | IS-Oil TD Archiving of driver master data - write program |
ROIGARMD | IS-Oil TD Archiving of rack meter master data - delete program |
ROIGARMR | IS-Oil TD Archiving of rack meter master data - read arch. session |
ROIGARMV | TD Archiving of rack meter master data - view single rack meter |
ROIGARMW | IS-Oil TD Archiving of rack meter master data - write program |
ROIGASHD | IS-Oil TD Archiving of shipments - delete program |
ROIGASHV | TD Archiving of Shipments - Display |
ROIGASHW | IS-Oil TD Archiving of shipments - write program |
ROIGATUD | IS-Oil TD Archiving of transport unit master data - delete program |
ROIGATUR | IS-Oil TD Archiving of transport unit master data - read arch. session |
ROIGATUV | IS-Oil TD Archiving of transport unit master data - view single object |
ROIGATUW | IS-Oil TD Archiving of transport unit data - write program |
ROIGAVHD | IS-Oil TD Archiving of vehicle master data - delete program |
ROIGAVHR | IS-Oil TD Archiving of vehicle master data - read arch. session |
ROIGAVHV | IS-Oil TD Archiving of vehicle master data - view single vehicle |
ROIGAVHW | IS-Oil TD Archiving of vehicle master data - write program |
ROIGAVMD | IS-Oil TD archiving of vehicle meter master data - delete program |
ROIGAVMR | IS-Oil TD archiving of vehicle meter master data - read arch. session |
ROIGAVMV | IS-Oil TD archiving of vehicle meter master data - view single object |
ROIGAVMW | IS-Oil TD archiving of vehicle meter master data - write program |
ROIGCHGD | Display Document Changes (TD shipment) |
ROIGCST0 | Customer-specific maintenance of message categories (T100C) |
ROIGDID1 | Select Drivers for IDOCs |
ROIGDISPCH | Display Vehicle Changes (TD shipment) |
ROIGFQS0 | TD Check shipment costing relevant tables |
ROIGFQS1 | TD-F Repair report for SCD's created from TD shipments |
ROIGLOGD | Select logs for collective run |
ROIGMHDT | IS-Oil Shipment Idoc fuellen |
ROIGMID1 | Rack Meters - Selection |
ROIGMID2 | Compartment Meters - Selection |
ROIGMM00 | Vehicle Meter Reconciliation |
ROIGMS00 | Delete Bulk Shipment after Loading |
ROIGMS01 | Check Inconsistency in Bulk Shipments |
ROIGMS02 | Correct deliveries removed from TD bulk shipments |
ROIGRM00 | Rack Meter Reconciliation |
ROIGSD00 | TD Delivery Selection |
ROIGSD01 | TD Document Selection |
ROIGSID1 | TPI: Distribute Shipment IDocs |
ROIGSM00 | In-Transit Stock Overview |
ROIGSM01 | Vehicle Reconciliation |
ROIGSM02 | Cancel TD Material document (created fr. Bulk Shipment) |
ROIGSM03 | TD Clear shipment stock and set gain/loss |
ROIGSOVS | TD Shipment Overview Report shell to call |
ROIGSOVW | TD Shipment Overview Report |
ROIGSP02 | SAPScript output for TD Bulk Shipments - Scheduling |
ROIGSP04 | SAPScript output for TD Bulk Shipments - Loading. |
ROIGSPRC | Output Determination for Delivery Confirmation - Change |
ROIGSPRD | Trigger SD Delivery Output for TD Shipments |
ROIGSPRL | Output Determination for Loading - Change |
ROIGSPRP | Output Determination for Scheduling (Ship/Vehicle/Plant) - Change |
ROIGSPRS | Output Determination data for Scheduling - Change |
ROIGSSDL | TD Delivery Selection |
ROIGSSDS | Assigned Shipments |
ROIGTID1 | Transport Unit - Selection |
ROIGTRSL | TD Find Shipments (e.g. for shipment costing) |
ROIGVID1 | Select Vehicles |
ROIG_PAOBJ | Check/change EA-GLTRADE conflict domain entries (W/1) for PAOBJ |
ROIH01_REPLICATE | Initial Replic. of OIH01 Rec. into Assigned Excise Tax Condition Table |
ROIH1L01 | Tax Revaluation Report (Status of Tax Revaluation) |
ROIH1L02 | |
ROIH1L04 | Excise Duty Inventory check report - Material Valuation Differences |
ROIH1L07 | List of Stock Values: Balances of Excise duty |
ROIH1L13 | |
ROIHALAU | Report for Material Document Archiving |
ROIHALDL | Archive Material Documents for Inv. Mgmt - Delete Program |
ROIHALWR | Archiving of licence information |