Programme SAP BTFR_COPY_TRALA - Copy OTR Translations

This report is used to copy translations of texts that were copiedbefore with BTFR_COPY.
On the selection screen the same entries have to be made as before inBTFR_COPY. The report must be run in the translation system (createdwith BTFR_COPY). Copies must exist in this system.
The original texts belonging to the copies are determined using thealias names, which is why only texts that have an alias name can beincluded.

Report BTFR_COPY must have been run in the development system, and thecopied texts must exist in the translation system.
The report only copies translations of texts that were created withBTFR_COPY. The original texts as well as the copies must have aliasnames (this is already established in BTFR_COPY).

On the selection screen the same entries must be made as when copies arecreated in the development system.
If the checkbox "Overwrite Translations" is selected, translationsalready created will be modified.
In the "Copies Created By" field, the user who created the copies in thedevelopment system is entered. If the copies were created with a newversion of BTFR_COPY (a version after 25.1.05), the user is always"%_COPY_%".
In older versions the user name is the person who executed BTFR_COPY. Ifseveral different users have copied texts in the same package, the fieldcan stay empty. As in this case the system cannot identify how the textswere created, texts other than those that had been copied may also getincluded in the list (if there is a text with a relevant alias name inthe old package).

A list of the texts in the original language is displayed. If a copiedtext is different to the original, the original text is displayedunderneath the copied text, so that you can compare the two texts.
With the function "Choose" you can display all the availabletranslations of a text.
With the function "Save" all the translations of the selected texts arecopied.

When the copies are created no language transport is created. If yourequire a language transport, you have to create one manually.