Programme | Description |
ROIA07RE | Rebuild logical inventory valuation segment (table OIA07) |
ROIA1M00 | Possible Entries: Bill of Lading |
ROIA1SDL | Possible entries: delivery note |
ROIAABSTRACT1 | Exchange Abstract |
ROIAAGAN | Output program for Netting Proposal |
ROIABINV | Conversion of SD documents for split invoicing |
ROIACM00 | Testreport to simulate Qty.schedule handling for SD + MM |
ROIACM10 | List/Selection Quantity Schedules Header |
ROIACM20 | List of existing Qty.schedules scheduling lines --> display QS |
ROIACM30 | Purchasing Entitlement / Sales Obligation at Exch. Partner Location |
ROIACM40 | Check program: Comparison "Update QS qty. <--> document flow" |
ROIACS00 | Release order documentation for MM-contracts / flow |
ROIACS10 | Release order documentation SD sales contract / flow |
ROIACS20 | MM Release Order docu. with delivery date selection -> base UoM |
ROIACS30 | SD Document flow for contracts with selection of delivery date |
ROIADELSTA | Maintenance of the VBUP OIL invoice cycles |
ROIAEKBZ01 | Correction program for EKBZ-LFGJA (note 488493) |
ROIAEKBZ03 | Fill field EKBZ-LFBNR |
ROIAEKBZ04 | Fill field EKBZ-LFBNR for subsequent deliveries |
ROIAEKBZ05 | Correct field EKBZ-LFBNR for subsequent Good Receipts |
ROIAEKRSUPD | Update EKRS with LFBNR, LFGJA, LFPOS, WERKS / necessary for MRRL |
ROIAEW10 | OIA07: Recalculation of prices in logical inventory segment |
ROIAEW20 | OIAQA: Recalculate Netbalance for Movement based Netting documents |
ROIAEW30 | Check for Euro conversion |
ROIAFEECHECK | Program to check fee credit memo postings into price variance |
ROIAFILLOBJECTID | Fills the field objectid in table CDHDR and CDPOS |
ROIAIN10 | Print program for invoices |
ROIAJOBNET | Netting proposal creation via job |
ROIALB01 | Exchange Loading - Display the error log of Pre save checks |
ROIALB02 | Exchange Loading - Create MM Calloff |
ROIALM01 | Display Logical Inventory Adjustment |
ROIAMM01 | Conditions: Initial Screen for Views With Usage/Application |
ROIAMMA3 | Detailed Exchange Transaction Report: Selection Screen |
ROIAMMAT | Display Exchange Movements for Material: Selection Screen |
ROIAMMFE | Modify OIAFE for non-GR-based IV. |
ROIAMSEG | Correction MSEG (note 354832) |
ROIANI00 | Exchange Netting Proposal |
ROIANILS | List netting cycle header (selection) |
ROIANMFI | Fill netting index table OIA10E |
ROIANP10 | Exchange Netting - Print Netting Statement by SapScript |
ROIAOIAFE | Correction program for OIAFE-AREWR (note 524171) |
ROIAOIANF | Delete duplicate records from table OIANF |
ROIAOIAQB | Report creates missing entries in OIAQB (note 778873) |
ROIAQFMC | VBRP update: Correct quantities in Oil fields |
ROIAQFMD | VBRP update: Correct Oil quantity fields |
ROIAQFMV | VBRP Update: Copy quantities to new oil fields |
ROIARBKP | Correction program for logistic invoice verification (note 555239) |
ROIASDET | Print program for Movement based netting documents |
ROIASMAG | Print program for invoices |
ROIASMJQ | Print program for invoices |
ROIASMYS | Print program for Movement based netting documents |
ROIAXIN2 | Conversion of SD documents for split invoicing |
ROIAXINV_46B | Conversion of SD documents for split invoicing |
ROIAXINV_46C | Conversion of SD documents for split invoicing |
ROIA_CHECK_FEE_HISTORY | Check and correct fee history entries (for zero value invoices) |
ROIA_CORRECT_EXG_HEADER | Report to correct Exchange header data (e.g. caused by upgrade) |
ROIA_RESET_OIA10L | Release accounts locked by a netting document |
ROIA_SDCLVOFM | IS-Oil Exchanges: Direct Call of (Exit) Routines of a Group Id |
ROIB1M01 | API check results report |
ROIB1M02 | Installation Test for API C-Code Routines |
ROIBAQAU | Archiving default values for quantity convertion: Analysis |
ROIBAQDL | Archiving defaults for quantity conversion: Deleting |
ROIBAQWR | Archiving default values for quantity conversion: Writing |
ROIBARCHHIST | Report to delete History table entries |
ROIBATAU | Archiving tracking numbers: Inventory management |
ROIBATDL | Archiving tracking numbers: Deleting |
ROIBATWR | Archiving tracking numbers |
ROIBCHAR | Analyze consistency between tables MARDO1 and MCHBO1 |
ROIBCHCK | Analysis of consistency between core and IS-OIL stock tables |
ROIBCMET | Correct CMETH in Material Master |
ROIBCST0 | Customer-specific maintenance of message categories (T100C) |
ROIBDYNE | Dynamic enhancement of missing HPM delivery appendices |
ROIBMSC1 | roibmsc1 - runs ZSCAN_MB over whole company code |
ROIBSCAN_CHECK | Analysis of consistency between core and IS-OIL stock tables |
ROIBSCAN_DELE_MSEGO1O2 | Report to delete selected MSEGO1/2 Documents |
ROIBSCAN_LIPSO1O2 | Check and Creation of Dlv.doc.entries in Appendices LIPSO1/O2 |
ROIBSCAN_MCHBO1 | Analyze consistency between tables MARDO1 and MCHBO1 |
ROIBSCAN_MISSING_O1O2 | Check and creation of missing doc./entries in Appendix MSEG01/02 |
ROIBSCAN_SD_DYNE | Dynamic enhancement of missing HPM delivery appendices |
ROIBSCAN_SEG | Report to create missing appendix table segments |
ROIBSCAN_SEG_H | Check and correction report for *HO1 segments |
ROIBSCAN_SEL_MSEGO2 | Repair HPM appendices based on MSEG documents |
ROIBSCAN_SEL_MSEGO2_H | Report to check&update history table entries |
ROIBXUOM_R3E | XPRA to fill table T006_OIB |
ROIB_COPY_DEF | Report for copying default sets from OIB03 to the new Default tables |
ROIB_DIP_ANALYSIS | Silo Mgmt.: Perform tank dip material mvmt. analysis |
ROIB_MBTRAME | roib_mbtrame |
ROIB_QCI_CALL_TEST | QCI: Test call of external programs |
ROIB_QCI_CHECK_GERG88 | Test report for validation of function group OIB_QCI_SGERG88 |
ROIB_QCI_EN_RFC | Enable/Disable RFC call for selected Conversion groups |
ROIB_QCI_INSTALLATION_TEST | Check the external functions of the QCI (customizing and function) |
ROIB_QCI_SET_OIB01_INT_EXT | Report to set conversion groups for application quick test CATTs |