Programme | Description |
RNUEZG50 | IS-H AT: Einlesen der österr. Einzugsgebieten |
RNUFALST | IS-H: Initialize NFAL for Status Management |
RNUFKL00 | IS-H: Determine Missing Case Classifications |
RNUFPAT0 | IS-H: Default Values for Physicians in Patient Master Data |
RNUFPZ01 | IS-H: XPRA Case-to-Person Assignment |
RNUGPST2 | IS-H: Standardize All Search Fields in Business Partner |
RNUGPSTA | IS-H: Data Conversion for Standard. Search for Bus. Partn. Short Name |
RNUGRA00 | IS-H Auxil. Program: Tests Interface to Care Unit Overview Graphic |
RNUGRA01 | IS-H: Test Care Unit Graphics Customizing |
RNUHCO01 | IS-H: Copy Utility for NLAZ Maintenance |
RNUHCO04 | IS-H: Evaluate Transfer Information |
RNUHCO06 | IS-H: Assign Cost Centers to Organizational Units |
RNUHCO07 | IS-H: Cancel Service Transfer |
RNUHCO_TKES_CORR | IS-H: Correct Long Text Field of COPA Characteristics ISHM03-ISHM05 |
RNUHLP00 | IS-H: Personal Input Help Copy Utility |
RNUICD50 | IS-H AT: Einlesen der ICD-9 Diagnosencodes (Österreich) |
RNUICPM4 | IS-H: ICPM Import Report (ICPM §301 SGB V) |
RNUINSPROV_KV_CREATE | IS-H: Program to Create a PPA Insurance Provider Master Record |
RNUISHSD | IS-H: Analyze Inconsistency Between IS-H and SD |
RNUKACP0 | IS-H: Copy Service Catalog |
RNUKARE1 | IS-H: Delete Deletion Flags From Catalog Column Definition |
RNUKARE2 | IS-H: Reorganize Service Catalog in Accordance with Column Definition |
RNUKARE3 | IS-H: Calculate Price Column for Flat Rates p/Case and Proc.Surcharges |
RNUKARE4 | IS-H: Reorganize Service Catalog in Accordance with Column Definition |
RNUKNKZ0 | IS-H: Aux. Program for Quick or Emergency Admissions of Norm. Patients |
RNUKORKO | IS-H: Report for correcting IV requests regarding the total amount |
RNUKTR01 | IS-H: Delete Insurance Providers |
RNUKTRD2 | IS-H: Set "Diagnosis Required" Flag for Insurance Provider |
RNUKTRD3 | IS-H: Set "Diagnosis Required" Flag for Insurance Provider Types |
RNUKTRKZ | IS-H: Adjust Controlling Flag in Service Master |
RNUKTRS1 | IS-H: Set "Single/Collective Invoice" Flag for Insurance Provider |
RNUKTRS2 | IS-H: Set "Single/Collective Invoice" Flag for Ins. Provider Types |
RNUKUZU0 | IS-H: Confirm IV Requests |
RNULEI02 | IS-H: Update OUs that Are Initial/Have Been Changed Using NBEW |
RNULEIMD | IS-H: Incorrectly Delimited Services |
RNULEIO1 | IS-H: Redetermine OUs from Services Using NBEW |
RNULEIOE | IS-H: Convert ANFOE, ANPOE, and ERBOE old version |
RNULRGP0 | IS-H: Maintain Service Pair Rules From Sequential File |
RNULSDEL | IS-H: Delete Services with Dependent Data (NLKZ, NKSK, NKSP) |
RNUMHIT0 | IS-H MM: Create Hit Lists for Material Requisition |
RNUMINFO | IS-H MM: Info Report Materials for IS-H Material Requisition |
RNUMKAT0 | IS-H MM: Generate Material Catalog from MARC |
RNUMKAT1 | IS-H MM: Print Material Catalog |
RNUMKAT2 | IS-H: Check Consistency of Material Catalogs |
RNUMKAT3 | IS-H: Create Material Proposal for Organizational Units |
RNUMKAT4 | IS-H: Mass Maintenance of Material Catalogs |
RNUMMPL0 | IS-H: Goods Movements From Pick List via Report |
RNUMNDT0 | IS-H: Reset Client |
RNUMSPLZ | IS-H XPRA Program, Standardizes Postal Code Table (District Street) |
RNUMSTOR0 | IS-H MM: Copy Closets |
RNUNBAUD | IS-H: Delete Building Units |
RNUNBEWD | IS-H: Delete Canceled Movements |
RNUNC302KTR | IS-H: Übertragung der Daten aus Tabelle NC301KTR in NC302KTR. |
RNUNFALBEKAT | IS-H: Set Treatment Category for Case |
RNUNFALCHILD | IS-H: Alpha Conversion for Field "Number of Children" of Case |
RNUNFALS | IS-H: Select Canceled Cases with Active Services |
RNUNICP1 | IS-H: Determine/Delete ICPM Errored Codes |
RNUNICP_DRGFIELDS_RESET | IS-H: Set DRG Category for Case-Related Procedures |
RNUNICP_DRG_CAT | IS-H: Set DRG Category for Case-Related Procedures |
RNUNKBVLANR0 | IS-H: Viewpflege NKBVLANR aufrufen |
RNUNKSKK | IS-H: Delete all IV Headers Without Items and VBRK Data |
RNUNKSKR | IS-H: Check Report for IV Header |
RNUNKSPK | IS-H: Correct All Confirmations of Coverage without Percent and Price |
RNUNKSPS | IS-H: Cancel IV Headers/IV Requests with Canceled Pat.-/Case-Rel. IR |
RNUNKSPS1 | IS-H: Cancel IV Headers/IV Requests with Canceled Pat.-/Case-Rel. IR |
RNUNKTR0 | IS-H: Define Insurance Provider Head Office |
RNUNKTR1 | IS-H: Insurance Provider Master - Currency Changeover |
RNUNLEID | IS-H: Delete Canceled Services |
RNUNLEII | IS-H: Initializes all New Character Fields in NLEI |
RNUNLEIS | IS-H: Select Canceled Services with Active Billing Documents |
RNUNLEI_NBGDT | IS-H: Link Extended Services for Billing |
RNUNLICZ | IS-H: Delete errored entries in table NLICZ note 124950 |
RNUNLKZ0 | IS-H: Delete NLKZ for Canceled NKSK Records (IV Requests/Certific.) |
RNUNLKZ1 | IS-H: Check report canclld IV docs with NLKZn |
RNUNLKZ2 | IS-H: Check Services For Incorrect IV Documents |
RNUNLKZ3 | IS-H: Check NLKZ for Inconsistent Records |
RNUNLKZ4 | IS-H: Check If Service Assigned to Certificate and IV Request |
RNUNLKZ5 | IS-H: Delete NLKZ Assignments of a Service if no VBRP Records |
RNUNLKZ6 | IS-H: Correction Report Certificate => Service Assignment |
RNUNO2K0 | IS-H: Copy NOEK To NO2K |
RNUNPAPIX0_INIT | IS-H: Reorganize Patient Name Table NPAPIX |
RNUNPIX0 | IS-H: Reorganize Patient Name Table NPIX |
RNUNPIX0_INIT | IS-H: Reorganize Patient Name Table NPIX |
RNUNTPZ0 | IS-H: Call NTPZ View Maintenance |
RNUNTPZ1 | IS-H: Call View Maint. NTPZ for Asgmt of Services to Surg.Proc. Codes |
RNUNTPZ2 | IS-H: Call View Maint. NTPZ for Asgmt of Services to Surg.Proc. Codes |
RNUNTRC0 | IS-H: Reorganize Trace Log Table |
RNUNTSI0 | IS-H: Check Program for Currency Code in Catalog Column Definition |
RNUNVAR0 | IS-H: Define Selection Variants for Case-Related Billing |
RNUNWVIEWNV2000 | IS-H: Copy SAP Standard Variant into Other Clients |
RNUOPLEI | IS-H: Cancel Surgical Procedures When Surgery Canceled |
RNUPAEN0 | IS-H: Cancel Invoices for Services with Retroactive Price Changes |
RNUPARAM | IS-H: Maintain Parameters |
RNUPATCMP | IS-H: Find Similar Patients |
RNUPHON0 | IS-H: Adjust Patient Index to Phonetic Search |
RNUPLEZG | IS-H AT: Fehlende Postleitzahlen |
RNUPLZ00 | IS-H: Import Postal Code File of the Post Office |
RNUPLZ50 | IS-H AT: Einlesen der österr. Postleitzahlen |