Programmes SAP

Programme Description
RNHCO_COLORD_COPY HCO: Copy Collective Orders
RNHCO_FIND_COLORD_FOR_CASE HCO: Determine Collective Orders for Cases
RNHCO_STAT_KEYFIGURES_COLORD HCO: Statistical Key Figures for Collective Orders
RNIARZ01 IS-H: Transfer Data to Create Employee/Physician (NG04)
RNIDEB01 IS-H: Transfer Data to Create IS-H Customer (NG10)
RNIFID00 IS-H: Transfer Data to Create Customer in FI (FD01)
RNIGPA01 IS-H: Transfer Data to Create Business Partner (NG01)
RNIKOS01 IS-H: Transfer Data to Create Insurance Provider (NG07)
RNIKOS0A IS-H: Transfer Data to Create Insurance Provider (NG07)
RNIKRH01 IS-H: Transfer Data to Create Hospital (NG16)
RNILKO00 IS-H: Generate Insurance Verification Requests (Inpat. Cases)
RNILKO01 IS-H: Generate Insurance Verification Requests (Outpat. Cases)
RNILKO10 IS-H AT: Generieren von KÜ-Anträgen aus Vorschlagswerten (NK01)
RNILOE00 IS-H: Transfer Data for OU-Related Quick Service Entry
RNILST00 IS-H: Transfer Data to Create Services
RNILST01 IS-H: Batch Input Session for Mapping Services in Table NTPZ
RNILST02 IS-H: Fill NTPZ (Re-Mapping of Services) from TNE2G
RNIMCONS0 IS-H MM: Data Transfer Material Consumption
RNIMGA01 IS-H: Interactive setting up of CP/EP discnt.
RNI_MAT_REQUISITIONS_LIST IS-H: My Material Requisitions
RNJOIN00 IS-H: Merge Patients
RNKONFIG IS-H: Check Event Configuration
RNKOS000 IS-H: Ins. Providers w/o FI Customer or IS-H Customer
RNKOS001 IS-H: IS-H Customers w/o RF/FI Customers
RNL26700 IS-H Billing Evaluation: Disproportionate Share Adjustment Data
RNL267DR IS-H Sample Output Routines for Disproportionate Share Adjustment Data
RNLABS01 IS-H: Missing Outpatient Treatment Certificates
RNLAMB00 IS-H: Evaluation of Outpatient Visits
RNLAMB01 IS-H: Outpatient Visits (with Name of Physician)
RNLAMB02 IS-H: Evalutation of Outpatient Visits Without Services
RNLAMB99 IS-H: Outpatient Visit With Physician Specificatin and Report Option
RNLAMB99_SF IS-H: Ambulante Besuche mit Arztangabe und Berichtsmöglichkeit (NL)
RNLAMBVS IS-H: Preadmission Visits without Admission
RNLAPPDL IS-H: Details of Appointments for Different Entities
RNLAUS01 IS-H: Patient Status Extract
RNLBAU00 IS-H: List Building Units
RNLBDT01 IS-H: Transfer Error Log BDT Export
RNLBDT02 IS-H: Display Status of PPA Billing Cases
RNLBEW00 IS-H: List Program for External Hospitals
RNLBTAG0 IS-H: Check Charges
RNLCASREV Case Revision Evaluation Report
RNLCOT00 IS-H: Evaluation of Treatment Certificates
RNLDIA01 IS-H: Evaluate Diagnoses
RNLDIA02 IS-H: Key Figures for Diagnosis and Procedure Documentation
RNLDIA03 IS-H: Check Report for Diagnoses
RNLEXT00 IS-H: Discharges to External Hospital for Revenue Distribution
RNLFPZ00 IS-H: Evaluation Program for Persons Assigned
RNLGEB00 IS-H: Inpatient Birthday List
RNLGEB01 IS-H: List of Newborn Deliveries
RNLICICP IS-H: ICPM/ICD Combination Evaluation
RNLJOIN0 IS-H: List Merged Patients
RNLLST00 IS-H: Service List
RNLLST01 IS-H: Case/Service Evaluation for Day Patient/Inpatient Cases
RNLLST02 IS-H: Case/Service Evaluation for Outpatient Cases
RNLMAT00 IS-H: List Requested Materials for Organizational Units
RNLMAT01 IS-H: Materials List
RNLMAT02 IS-H: Ad Hoc Purchasing and Consumption Analysis
RNLMCONS0 IS-H MM: Case-Related Material Consumption
RNLMSTOR0 IS-H MM: Closet List
RNLNAU01 IS-H NL: Benefits Coverage Notification
RNLNRSF0 IS-H: Display Risk Factors and Drug Allergies
RNLORG01 IS-H: Overview of Organizational Hierarchy
RNLORGAP IS-H: Test Program for Departmental Per Diem Overview
RNLORGN0 IS-H: List Organizational Units
RNLPATNL IS-H: Cancel Provisional Appointments for Deceased Patients
RNLPFARR IS-H: Religious List
RNLPFB00 IS-H: Movement Lists
RNLPFOR0 IS-H: Control Call of Patient List
RNLPFOR1 IS-H: Public List Dialog
RNLPFOR3 IS-H: Public List
RNLPFORA Pförtnerliste
RNLPFORT IS-H: Public List
RNLPOB01 IS-H: List Planning Objects
RNLRECH1 IS-H: Evaluate Billed Services by Insurance Provider Types
RNLRECH2 IS-H: Invoice Statistics of Billed Services By Payer
RNLRECH3 IS-H: Invoice Overview
RNLRECH4 IS-H: Revenue Account and Condition Evaluation
RNLSTA09 IS-H: Service and Billing Statistics
RNLTNRS2 IS-H: Check Procedure for Service and Procedure Rule Types - Overview
RNLVVF01 IS-H: Case List By Insurance Provider
RNLWFMA0 IS-H: Compressed Workflow Inbox as MiniApp
RNL_NFALBW_DELETE IS-H BW: Delete BW Transfer Table
RNL_NFAL_TIMESTAMP_NAPX_SET IS-H BW: Aktualisierung des Zeitstempels von Wiederkehrer-Fällen
RNMCO000 IS-H MM: Transfer Material Consumption into CO
RNMDSTAT Set Basic Medical Documentation Status for Multiple Cases
RNMMANF0 IS-H: Collective Processing of Material Requisitions
RNMMANF1 IS-H: Post-Run Update of Material Requisitions
RNMMHIT0 IS-H: Maintain Material Proposal
RNMPICK0 IS-H: Pick List
RNNKOS10 IS-H: Create IV Request Reminder
RNNKOS11 IS-H: Print Insurance Verification Requests (Inpatient Cases)
RNNKOS12 IS-H: Track Insurance Verification Status
RNNKOS13 IS-H: Monitor Insurance Verification
RNNKOS14 IS-H: Print Insurance Verification Requests (Outpatient Cases)
RNNKOS15 IS-H: Extend Insurance Verification Requests
RNNL365VNCONV IS-H NL: Automatische Füllung Sorgestrecke
RNNLBERI IS-H NL: Berichtgeving opname/ontslag naar huisarts en verzekeringsmij
RNNLBERI_SF_PDF Berichtgeving aufnahmen/entlassung fur hausarzt/versicher
RNNLCERT IS-H NL: Call treatment certificates without NR14
RNNLDBC10 IS-H NL: Übersicht DBC's pro Fachrichtung / Facharzt
Lignes 35001 to 35100 de 57103 entrées
1 349 350 351 352 353 572