Programme SAP BPREP_RETRAKTOR_SHOW_LOG_BCS - Plan Data Transfer Log into the BCS for FM

Log for plan data transfer into the FM BCS

You can use this report to display logs that were created by the systemwhen executing the following programs:

  • Plan data transfer from the BW system into
    • Plan data transfer into the FM Budget
    • Control System (BPREP_RETRAKTOR_BCS_BADI)
      You can also display the reversals for the plan data transfer. .

      Having displayed the log of a data transfer from the BW system, you canjump to the following programs from the initial screen:

      • Transfer

      • Cancellation

      • Variants

      • The system displays a message for any errors that occur. From theseerror messages, you can go to the detail view, from which you can seewhich budget account assignments were affected.
