Programme | Description |
RNASELLI | IS-H: Display Case Selections |
RNASELM0 | IS-H: Billing - Process Messages |
RNASELPA | IS-H: Billing: Case Selection with Name Intervals INACTIVE as of 4.01A |
RNASELR0 | IS-H: Create Invoice Selection |
RNASELR1 | IS-H: Edit Invoice Selection |
RNASELXX | IS-H: Create Case Selection |
RNASRE00 | IS-H: Create Collective Invoice |
RNASRE01 | IS-H: Print Collective Invoice |
RNASTO01 | IS-H: Full Cancellation of Billing Documents |
RNASTO02 | IS-H: Partial Cancellation of Billing Documents |
RNASTO04 | IS-H: Cancel Provisional Invoice |
RNAUTL04 | IS-H AT: Laden / Löschen der Tabelle TNAUMLEI |
RNA_CASCADE_BILLING | IS-H: Cascade Bill Processing |
RNBAOV01 | IS-H: Report AVERS |
RNBBUM00 | IS-H: Set Up Identifiers For Building Units |
RNBOUM00 | IS-H: Set Up Identifiers For Organizational Units |
RNC30100 | IS-H EDI: Order Processing |
RNC30101 | IS-H EDI: Create Message File |
RNC30102 | IS-H EDI: File Creation, Start Individual Processing |
RNC30103 | IS-H SG EDI: Transmission Program for Sync. Dispatch w/o File Ref. |
RNC301C1 | IS-H EDI: Assign New Data Collection Points (Mass Processing) |
RNC301C2 | IS-H EDI: Case Analysis |
RNC301C3 | IS-H D EDI: Compare DCP Assignment with DKG-CD (Mass Processing) |
RNC301CHECKDATACOLLPOINTS | IS-H DE:P301/P302 Abgleich mit Annahmestellen-Kostenträger-ZuO-Dateien |
RNC301H1 | IS-HCM: EDI - Compare Orig. file EDI and File EDI |
RNC301H2 | IS-HCM: EDI - Change Separator Specification for a File |
RNC301H3 | IS-HCM §301 File Reformat with Several Bus. Transactions in UNH-UNT |
RNC301H4 | IS-H: EDI Adjust Number Range |
RNC301I0 | IS-H EDI: File Import Program, Based On File At OS Level |
RNC301I1 | IS-H EDI: Inbound Messages, Automatic Postprocessing |
RNC301I2 | IS-H EDI: Inbound Messages, Manual Postprocessing |
RNC301T0 | IS-HCM: Test EDI - Create Test Data File (for Import) MAIN |
RNC301TA | IS-HCM: Test EDI - Create Order File (for File Import) |
RNC301TB | IS-HCM: Test EDI: Create Test Data File (for Import) UNB/UNZ |
RNC301TC | IS-HCM: Test EDI - Create Test Data File (for Import) UNH/UNT |
RNC301TD | IS-H P301 Test Creation of KT/CUX/DPV/INV/NAD Segments in File |
RNC301TE | IS-HCM: Test EDI: Create Test Data File (for Import) KOS/TXT |
RNC301TF | IS-HCM: Test EDI: Create Test Data File (for Import) FHL |
RNC301TN | IS-H: Test NPMI Receipt |
RNC301TO | IS-H EDI: Copy Orders |
RNC301U1 | IS-H EDI: Display Data Collection Point-Insurance Provider Asgmt |
RNC301U2 | IS-H EDI: Evaluation of Message Administration |
RNC301U3 | IS-H EDI: File Overview |
RNC301U4 | IS-H EDI: Display Messages Field by Field |
RNC301U5 | IS-H EDI: Change Sequence Number of DCP File |
RNC301U6 | IS-H EDI: Change File/Message Processing Status Manually |
RNC301U7 | IS-H EDI: Display/Recover Transfer System Files |
RNC301U8 | IS-H EDI: List all Cases without EDI Messages |
RNC301U9 | IS-H EDI: Cases Without Inbound EDI Messages |
RNC301UD | IS-H EDI: Delete Messages and Files Consistently |
RNC301UD2 | IS-H EDI: Mass Consistent Deletion of Messages and Files |
RNC301UE | IS-H EDI: Edit Individual Messages |
RNC301VB | IS-H DE: P301 - Trigger Special Events for Preadmission Visits |
RNC302C0 | IS-H P302 Abgleich Datenannahmestellen anhand IKK-Dateien |
RNCBLD00 | IS-HCM: Format Messages |
RNCCDERR | IS-HCM: Acknowledgment Handling - Communication Module |
RNCCDEXT | IS-HCM: Partner Program for External SEND Call (Comm. Module) |
RNCCHK01 | IS-HCM: Installation Check For Partner Systems |
RNCCHK02 | IS-HCM: Check File Usability in IS-HCM |
RNCCHKNT | IS-HCM: Customer Message Types und HL7 Segment Check (Sets Status) |
RNCCHKNT00 | IS-HCM SAP Message Types and HL7 Segment Check (Sets Status) |
RNCDALE01 | DALE-UV Message Transfer with D2D |
RNCDRGU0 | IS-H DRG Create Message Order for Aggregate Message Type |
RNCEDIC0 | IS-H EDI: Collective Menu List for Procedure Basic Customizing |
RNCEDIC1 | IS-H Message Structure Tree |
RNCEDICHANGETONEWVERSION | IS-H: Change to New EDI Message Standard Version |
RNCEDIRECREATE | IS-H EDI Recreate Outbound Messages |
RNCEDIRECREATEFILE | IS-H: Recreate all Messages of an EDI File |
RNCEDIU0 | IS-H EDI: Create Message Orders Manually |
RNCEDIU1 | IS-H: Release EDI Messages Manually |
RNCEDIUA | IS-H EDI: Place Old EDI Status Management Records in Temporary Storage |
RNCEDIUA2C | IS-H EDI Display Old EDI Status Mgmt Records in Temporary Storage |
RNCEDIW0 | IS-H EDI Dispatcher and Calling Program Worklists |
RNCEDIWORK2 | EDI Worklist |
RNCGDT00 | IS-HCM: Generation Report for MNCDAT00 (DATAs of SYSTEM Segments) |
RNCGDT90 | IS-HCM: Generation Report for MNCDAT90 (DATAs of Customer Segments) |
RNCGEN00 | IS-HCM: Generate All S* Message Structures |
RNCGEN90 | IS-HCM: Generate All CUSTOMER Message Structures |
RNCGENE0 | IS-H EDI: Program for Generating Main Include with Segment Fields |
RNCGENE0_OO | IS-H EDI: Program for Generating Main Include with Segment Fields |
RNCGET00 | IS-HCM: Central Program Called For Message Delivery |
RNCGET01 | IS-HCM: Retrieve Case-Related Services From Partner Systems |
RNCGET02 | IS-HCM: Retrieve Diagnoses From Partner Systems |
RNCGET03 | IS-HCM: Retrieve ADT Data From Partner Systems |
RNCGET04 | IS-HCM: Retrieve OU-Related Services from Partner Systems |
RNCGET05 | IS-HCM: Retrieve Surgical Data From Partner Systems |
RNCGET06 | IS-HCM: Retrieve Med. Service Data From Partner Systems |
RNCGET10 | IS-HCM: Import erbrachter Leist. von (ausgewählten) Partnersystemen |
RNCGET10XML | IS-H: XML-Import erbrachter Leist. von ausgewählten Partnersystemen |
RNCGMC90 | IS-HCM: Generation Report for MNCMV90 (BRING_TO_SY Routine) |
RNCGNS00 | IS-HCM: Generation Report for MNCBLDF0 (NEXT_COMPONENT Routine) |
RNCGRD90 | IS-HCM Generation Report for RNCRDB90 (Fill routines for Cust.Segment) |
RNCGRE00 | IS-HCM:Generation Report for RNCREP00 (FORM of SYSTEM Repetition Seg.) |
RNCGRE90 | IS-HCM: Generation Report for RNCREP90 (FORM of Cust. Repet. Segments) |
RNCGTB00 | IS-HCM: Generation Report for MNCTAB00 (TABLES Statements) |
RNCHABRV | IS-H CH: Generate Billing Agreement Assignment |
RNCHDO00 | IS-H: Display Change Documents |
RNCHLGE1 | IS-H CH: Generate Services (Inpatient) |
RNCHLGE2 | IS-H CH: Cancel Generated Services |