Programme SAP BPCARRC1 - Check Budget Objects

Program BPCARRC1 checks whether budgeted FM objects are flagged asbudget objects in the budget structure.
You use this program to display budget inconsistencies after changes tothe budget structure.

The program can be used by customers that work with a manual budgetstructure.

The FM objects to be checked can be restricted by the followingselection criteria:

  • FM area

  • Fund

  • Fiscal year

  • If all funds for an FM area or fiscal year should be checked, the entryfields for the fund can be left empty. If no manual budget structure isdefined for one or more funds in the selection, the FM objects for thisfund are not checked as all corresponding FM objects are automaticallybudget objects.
    You can also check the budget objects of total values. The field for thefiscal year is left empty or filled with '0000'.

    The output header contains information on the number of checked funds,all checked FM objects and the number of incorrect FM objects. Thenumber of checked funds also contains those that do not have a manualbudget structure defined.
    The output comes in the form of a list of FM objects containingcorresponding annual or overall values not flagged as budget objects. Anoutput line would contain the fields fund, funds center and commitmentitem as well as an error description in this case.
    If a budget profile is defined for a fund in the selection that is notvalid for the fiscal year entered<(>,,<)>, this information is alsodisplayed in the output list.

    The following change was made in the budget structure to

    • FM area FK01

    • Fund Fond01

    • From fiscal year 2002

    • Assuming:
      Budget object FISTL FS01 / FIPOS FP01 was taken from the budgetstructure. However, annual values have already been entered for this.
      The corresponding line of the check program output is displayed asfollows:
      • Status: red traffic light = error

      • Fund : Fund01

      • Funds center: FS01

      • Commitment item: FP01

      • Message text: 'The object is not a budget object'