Programme SAP BMA_CONVITEMS_SAMT_MAINTAIN - BOR Migration: Automatic Reduction of Worklist

BOR Migration: Checking and Reducing the Usage of BOR Constants inPrograms

All programs that were found by the BMA_CONVITEMS_SAMT program andentered in the BMA_CONS table are checked. The system checks whetherjust literals from the following quantities were found in theseprograms: ACTIVITY, ARCHIVE, CATT, DRAW, EQUI, FORM, HELP, MESSAGE,METHOD, PLAN, REPORT, SYSTEM, TEXT, TEST, USER.
If this is the case, the system searches through the program (and itsincludes) for strings in the form of TYPE*OBJTYP or LIKE*OBJTYP. If thesystem fails to find these strings, the program (and its includes) inthe BMA_CONS table is flagged as not migration-relevant:BMA_CONS-NONREL = 'X'.
CAUTION: Always run this report in the background!

In a subsequent step, you can copy the migration-relevant entries ofthe BMA_CONS table to the actual worklist table BMA_WLST.

You have to fill the BMA_CONS table (and only with those programs thatcan also be processed in the current system).


None. However, database updates (direct, without update process) to theBMA_CONS database table do take place.