Programme SAP BBP_ATTR_XPRA400 - Conversion 4.00: Locations and PO Value Limits According to Infotypes

Conversion of Organizational Attributes into Infotypes (Release 4.0)

To allow use of unicode systems, the relevant data is reorganizedphysically.
During the upgrade, this program runs to carry out the necessaryconversion of the data in the new tables.


  • Conversion must not have already taken place successfully. Otherwise,
  • the appropriate clients are missed out.
    • Customizing of organizational management must be complete. It must be
    • possible to change infotypes and read structures. Generally, this isapplicable for a system, since it would have been used prior to theupgrade.
      • The active plan variant (T77S0: PLOGI/WORKF and PLOGI/PLOGI) has to be
      • set. The scenario BBP (T77OMATTSC) has to be defined.
        • Conversion from Release 3.50 (BBP_ATTR_XPRA350) has to have run
        • successfully.


          During the upgrade, the system outputs data into the upgrade log. Thelog is output as a list in the case of a direct execution as programcall.

          The program executes the following steps:
          Attribute LOC is replaced with new infotype 5502 subtype 0100.
          Attribute PLT is replaced with new infotype 5502 subtype 0200.
          Attribute REQUESTER is moved to the infotype 5502 subtype 0200 if itcontains a business partner (value starts with "BP").
          Attribute SPEND_LIM moved to new infotype 5503 subtype 0100.
          Attribute APPRV_LIM replaced with new infotype 5503 subtype 0200.
          All converted attributes are saved and removed from the original store.
          RESET N1
          All read operations are carried out from today. Expired or oldinformation is not converted. The data is saved with the previousvalidity.

          Proceed as follows if errors occur within the program during theupgrade:
          Read the message long text.
          Check SAP Note 560313 to determine whether or not you are dealing with aknown problem.
          If the problem is unknown, you can ignore the error. The program can berun after the upgrade (in the case of EBP systems before the productivestart) without any problems. You can end the upgrade.

563180Locations - Replication of R/3 plants
560313EBP 4.0: Conversion of organization attributes
608463EBP 4.0: Conversion attributes 4.0 - dump RSQL