Programme | Description |
RFKKPCBP | Payment Cards: List of Card Data |
RFKKPCDL | Payment Cards: Delete Logs |
RFKKPCDS | Payment Cards: Execute Billing |
RFKKPCDS_ALV | Payment Cards: Execute Billing |
RFKKPCDS_RESEND | Select Payment Card Data for Resend of Notification |
RFKKPCLI | Payment Cards: Log Display (Paid Items) |
RFKKPCLP | Payment Cards: List of Settlements |
RFKKPCSF | Payment Cards: Display Data Medium |
RFKKPCTS | Payment Cards: Display Items to be Billed |
RFKKPD01 | Payment History: Determine Posting Totals |
RFKKPD02 | Payment History: Determine Open Items |
RFKKPD03 | Payment history |
RFKKPFND | Deletion program for obsolete payment form information |
RFKKPLAR | Create Search Index for Archived Payment Lot |
RFKKPLCL | Itemization of Clarification Worklist from Payment Lots |
RFKKPLCLS | Payment Lot: Search for Clarified Payments |
RFKKPLWP | Payment Lot: Payment Scan |
RFKKPN00 | Create PNBK Entries for Creation of Prenotification |
RFKKPNARCD | Archiving Prenotification data (history): Delete Database Entries |
RFKKPNARCI | Archiving Prenotification data (history): Create Archive Index |
RFKKPNARCL | Archiving Prenotification data (history): Reload Archive |
RFKKPNARCR | Archiving Prenotification data (history): Read Archive |
RFKKPNARCW | Archiving Prenotification data (history): Write Archive |
RFKKPNBKAR01 | Archiving Prenotifications (Write Run) |
RFKKPNBKAR02 | Archiving Prenotifications (Deletion Run) |
RFKKPNBKAR03 | Archiving Prenotifications (Reload) |
RFKKPNFC00 | Create Prenotification File |
RFKKPNHIS0 | List Prenotification Data |
RFKKPNMD00 | Postprocess Prenotification Return File |
RFKKPNR00 | Process Return File |
RFKKPPAR01 | Archiving of Promises to Pay |
RFKKPPAR02 | Deletion of Data for Promise to Pay |
RFKKPPAR03 | Reload Data for Promise to Pay |
RFKKPRCTR | Profit Center Split (in Progress) |
RFKKPYOD | Payment Orders: Delete |
RFKKPYOL | Payment Orders: Lists |
RFKKPYOR | Reverse Expired Payment Orders |
RFKKPYOR_MASS | Mass Reversal of Payment Orders |
RFKKPYOR_REF | Included Expired Payment Orders in Returns Lot |
RFKKQST00 | Withholding Tax Reporting |
RFKKQST50 | Clearing Statistical Withholding Tax Items |
RFKKQST60 | Adjustment of Statistical Withholding Tax Items (Recalculate) |
RFKKQST80 | Interest income tax |
RFKKRA00 | Returns Archiving: Write |
RFKKRA01 | Returns Archiving: Deletion |
RFKKRA02 | Returns Archiving: Reload |
RFKKRA03 | Archiving of Returns Histories: Write |
RFKKRA04 | Archiving of Returns Histories: Deletion |
RFKKRA05 | Archiving of Returns Histories: Reload |
RFKKRD00 | Revenue Distribution: Create and Post Documents |
RFKKRD01 | Revenue Distribution: List of Documents |
RFKKRD02 | Evaluation of Revenue Distribution |
RFKKRDI_AGGR | Create Aggregated Distribution Information |
RFKKRDI_BW | Revenue Distribution: Delta Extraction to Business Intelligence |
RFKKRDI_FP60P | Switch for FP60P_OLD and FP60PM |
RFKKRDI_FP60R | Switch for FP60R_OLD and FP60R_NEW |
RFKKRDI_REPORT | Analysis of Revenue Distribution Based on Original Documents |
RFKKRDI_REPORT_DIS | Analysis of Revenue Distribution Based on Distribution Documents |
RFKKRDI_REV | Reversal of Distribution Documents |
RFKKREPT | Display Receipt History |
RFKKREQCD01 | Display Change Documents of Requests |
RFKKREQEF | Create Earmarked Funds Document for Standing Request |
RFKKRF00 | Process returns file in DTAUS format |
RFKKRF02 | Display returns history |
RFKKRF20 | Process Returned Debits File in DTAUS Format |
RFKKRL00 | Returns Lot Transfer |
RFKKRL01 | Returns Lot Transfer |
RFKKRL02 | Post Returns Lot (As Job) |
RFKKRLCL | Itemization of Clarification Worklist from Returns Lots |
RFKKRLDA | Returns Lot Transfer: Display/Change Content of Sequential File |
RFKKRLDG | Generate Test File for Returns Lot Transfer |
RFKKRLFA | Returns Lot Transfer: Display/Change Incorrect Data |
RFKKRLS_UNDO | Reset Returns Lot |
RFKKRLWP | ALV Report for Returns Lot |
RFKKRLZG | Data Transfer - Z Structure Generator |
RFKKRSTB | Posting of Returns |
RFKKRSTC | Returns Lot: New Posting of Complete Clarification Lot |
RFKKRSTF | Assign New Reconciliation Key to Returns Lot |
RFKKRZAL | Overview of Repayment Requests |
RFKKRZAL02 | Display returns history |
RFKKRZAS | Open Repayment Requests for Key Date |
RFKKSG1 | Consistency Check: Execute Check Run |
RFKKSG2 | Consistency Check: Process Check Results |
RFKKSG3 | Consistency Check: Process Check History |
RFKKSG4 | Consistency Check: Delete Worklist |
RFKKSHCD | Display Change Documents |
RFKKSNAP | Account Balance: Creation of Snapshots |
RFKKSNAP_DEL | Account Balance: Delete Snapshots |
RFKKSTDBK | Set Standard Company Code in Contract Account |
RFKKSTOR | Mass Reversal |
RFKKSTPAY00 | Stop Future Payment (Denmark) |
RFKKSTPYAR01 | Archiving of Data for Payments Subject to Stamp Tax |
RFKKSTPYAR02 | Deletion of Data for Payments Subject to Stamp Tax |
RFKKSTPYAR03 | Reloading of Data for Payments Subject to Stamp Tax |
RFKKSUMAR01 | Archiving of Reconciliation Keys |
RFKKSUMAR02 | Deletion of Reconciliation Keys |
RFKKSUMAR03 | Reload of Reconciliation Keys |
RFKKSUMB00 | Postings for Year-End Closing in Contract Accts Receivable and Payable |