Programme | Description |
RFKKABS10 | Display for Posting Totals |
RFKKABS3 | Production Startup |
RFKKABS5 | Check Transfer Status of Reconciliation Key |
RFKKABS6 | Display for General Ledger Transfer |
RFKKABS8 | Recreate Totals Records |
RFKKACCOUNTPROCBLOCK | Display of Contract Accounts That Have Obsolete Processing Locks |
RFKKADLI | Account Determination: List |
RFKKAG00 | Vendor Master Data Comparison |
RFKKAK00 | Open Item Balance Audit Trail by Alternative Account Number |
RFKKALCK | Evaluate Processing Locks |
RFKKAR10 | Archiving of FI-CA Documents: Write |
RFKKAR11 | Archiving of FI-CA Documents: Deletion |
RFKKAR12 | Archiving of FI-CA Documents: Reload |
RFKKAR15 | Archiving of Official Documents: Write |
RFKKAR16 | Archiving of Official Documents: Deletion |
RFKKAR17 | Archiving of Official Documents: Reload |
RFKKAR30 | Archiving Requests: Write |
RFKKAR31 | Archiving Requests: Delete |
RFKKAR32 | Archiving Requests: Reload |
RFKKAR33 | Archiving of Revenue Distribution: Write |
RFKKAR34 | Archiving of Revenue Distribution: Deletion |
RFKKAR35 | Archiving of Revenue Distribution: Reload |
RFKKAR36 | Archiving of Foreign Currency Valuation Data: Write |
RFKKAR37 | Archiving of Data for Foreign Currency Valuation: Deletion |
RFKKAR38 | Archiving of Data for Foreign Currency Valuation: Reload |
RFKKAR40 | FI-CA Archiving: Access Evaluation Program for Archive Info Structure |
RFKKAR41 | Archiving of Clearing History: Write |
RFKKAR42 | Archiving of Clearing History: Deletion |
RFKKAR43 | Archiving of Clearing History: Reload |
RFKKAR44 | Archiving of Data for Doubtful Receivables: Write |
RFKKAR45 | Archiving of Data for Doubtful Receivables: Deletion |
RFKKAR46 | Archiving of Data for Doubtful Receivables: Reload |
RFKKARFISCAL_POSITION | VAT Fiscal Position (Argentina) |
RFKKARREVTAX_C | Municipal Tax Declaration (Argentina) |
RFKKARREVTAX_R | Gross Income Tax Declaration (Argentina) |
RFKKARVAT_BOOK | Daily VAT Report for FI-CA (Argentina) |
RFKKARVAT_MAG_SUPPORT | Daily VAT Report with Magnetic Output (Argentina) |
RFKKARVAT_PERCEPTION | VAT Perception (Argentina) |
RFKKAR_CHECK_LOCK_AND_DELETE | Deletion of Invalid FI-CA Archiving Locks |
RFKKAR_GI_PERCEPTION | Gross Income Perception for Buenos Aires (Argentina) |
RFKKAV00 | Transfer of Payment Advice Notes from a Sequential File |
RFKKAV01 | Payment Advice Note Transfer |
RFKKAVDA | Transfer Incoming Payment Advice Notes: Display Content of Seq. File |
RFKKAVDG | Transfer Incoming Payment Advice Notes: Generate Test File |
RFKKAVFA | Transfer Incoming Payment Advice Notes: Display/Change Invalid Data |
RFKKAVZG | Transfer Incoming Payment Advice Notes: Generation of Z Structures |
RFKKBALCHECK | Check of Documents in FI-CA for Zero Balance |
RFKKBEINC000 | Convert CODA Bank Statements to Multicash Format (Belgium) |
RFKKBELJ00 | Document Journal |
RFKKBE_OPI1 | Belgium : BLIW-IBLC : Open Items with Foreign Customers |
RFKKBE_OPI2 | Belgium: Open Items of Foreign Customers (from 2002) |
RFKKBE_SAL2 | Quarterly Tax Return (Belgium) |
RFKKBE_SAL3 | Legal Reporting: Sales Journal Belgium |
RFKKBE_SAL_LETT | Taxes Belgium |
RFKKBGAAR01 | Archiving of Tax Information for Commercial Operations |
RFKKBGAAR02 | Archiving of Tax Information for Commercial Operations (Deletion Run) |
RFKKBGAAR03 | Archiving of Tax Information for Commercial Operations (Reload) |
RFKKBIB0 | Document Transfer Program |
RFKKBIB1 | Document Transfer Program |
RFKKBIBE | Document Transfer - Display/Change Incorrect Data |
RFKKBIBG | Generate Test File for Document Transfer |
RFKKBIBZ | Data Transfer - Z Structure Generator |
RFKKBICD | Display FI-CA Data Transfer Changes |
RFKKBIT0 | Doc Transfer - Display/Change Content of Sequential File |
RFKKBIX01 | Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (Mass Creation) |
RFKKBIX02 | Billing in FI-CA (Individual Creation) |
RFKKBIXBIT4DELETE | Delete Billed Items |
RFKKBIXBIT4MON | Analysis of Billed Items |
RFKKBIXBITBMON | Analysis of Billable Items |
RFKKBIXBITRMON | Analysis of Raw Data |
RFKKBIXBITSAMPLE | Creation of Test Data for Billable Items |
RFKKBIXBITUPLOAD | Transfer of Billable Items from File |
RFKKBIXBITUPLOADSAMPLEFILE | Generate Test File for Transferring Billable Items |
RFKKBI_BILLACC_CHANGE_SAMPLE | Change Billing Accounts for Test Purposes |
RFKKBI_BILLACC_CREATE_SAMPLE | Create Billing Accounts for Test Purposes |
RFKKBI_BILLACC_MON | Monitor Billing Accounts |
RFKKBI_BILLPROC_LOG | Log Billing Procedures |
RFKKBI_BILLPROC_LOG_INIT | Initialize Logging of Billing Procedures |
RFKKBI_BILLREV01 | Reverse Billing Document (Mass Reversal) |
RFKKBI_BILLREV02 | Reverse Billing Document (Individual Reversal) |
RFKKBI_BILLTASK_CREATE | Create Billing Orders |
RFKKBI_BILLTASK_DELETE | Delete Billing Orders |
RFKKBI_BILLTASK_MON | Monitor Billing Orders |
RFKKBI_BWTRIG_MON | Analysis of BI Extraction Orders |
RFKKBI_CUST_CHK | Global Customizing Checks for Billing in FI-CA |
RFKKBI_EDIT | Document Transfer - Display/Change Incorrect Data |
RFKKBI_EDR_CLEANUP | Clean Up Transfer Period |
RFKKBI_EDR_MON | Monitor Billable EDRs |
RFKKBI_EDR_RELOAD | Reload Provisionally Rejected EDRs |
RFKKBI_EDR_RJ_MON | Monitor Provisionally Rejected EDRs |
RFKKBI_EDR_WO_MON | Monitor Permanently Rejected EDRs |
RFKKBI_FILEEDIT | File Editor - Display/Change Content of Sequential File |
RFKKBI_RET | Extraction of Returns |