Programmes SAP

Programme Description
RFGMARACWR Archiving GM Actual/Commitment Documents - Write Program
RFGMARBDDL Archiving GM Budget Documents - Delete Program
RFGMARBDRL Archiving GM Budget Documents - Reload Program
RFGMARBDWR Archiving GM Budget Documents - Write Program
RFGMARGRDL Archiving GM Grant Master - Delete Program
RFGMARGRRL Archiving GM: Grant Master - Reload Program
RFGMARGRWR Archiving GM Grant Master - Write Program
RFGMARTTDL Archiving GM Total Records - Delete Program
RFGMARTTRD Archiving GM Total Records - Read Program
RFGMARTTWR Archiving GM Total Records - Write Program
RFGMAVCCUSTDEF Customizing Check for Availability Control (Grants Management)
RFGMAVCDERIACTG Callback program for derivation tool ATGR
RFGMAVCDERIAO GM Callback program for derivation tool AGMA
RFGMAVCDERICH Callback program for derivation tool CHOR
RFGMAVCDERITPROF Callback program for derivation tool AGMT
RFGMAVC_OVERVIEW AVC Overview for Grants Management Dimensions
RFGMAVC_REINIT Re-Initialize Availability Control Ledgers (GM)
RFGMBIL1 GM Billing and Receivable Reconciliation Report
RFGMCDCLASS Display Change Documents for Sponsored Class
RFGMCDPROGRAM Display Change Documents for Sponsored Program
RFGMCDR1 Display Change Documents for GM Object Mappings
RFGMGRL1 Master Data Index for Grant
RFGMGSL1 Master Data Index for Grant Sponsors
RFGMLINEITEMS Grants Management: Line Item Display
RFGMMP_RBB Increase GM Budget from Revenues
RFGMOBJ1 GM Object List
RFGMRBDERIMD Callback report for derivation of RIB master data
RFGMRBDERIRO Callback report for derivation of RIB objects from budget addresses
RFGMRB_GENERATE Generate Rules for GM Revenues Increasing the Budget
RFGMRB_RECONSTRUCT_INDEX Reconstruct Index for Revenues Increasing the Budget
RFGMSCL1 Master Data Index for Sponsored Classes
RFGMSPL1 Master Data Index for Sponsored Programs
RFGMWHEREUSED Where-Used Lists: Object Assignment to GM Derivation Tool
RFGM_OBJ_MAPPER GM - Posting Object Mapper
RFGSBSTR Financial Statement Version
RFGSTAUS Perform for the GST Calculation Sheet (F_RFUVAU___01)
RFHABU00 General Ledger from the Document File
RFHABU00N General Ledger from the Document File
RFHABU10 General Ledger Corresponding Accounts (Russia)
RFIBAN02 Maintain IBAN
RFIBANCD Display Change Documents for IBAN
RFIBANMD Master data download/upload for external generation of IBAN
RFIBAN_ALE IBAN Distribution
RFIBLFPAY Rapid Entry with Repetitive Code
RFIBLOPAY Create Payment Requests Online
RFIBLOPAYREL Release Payment Requests Created Online
RFIBLOPAYREV Reverse Payment Requests Generated Online
RFICO_APPL Einfügen der Anwendung ins FICO Customizing
RFICO_BDT_DISP FICO: Anzeigen BDT-Customizing
RFICO_CATG_CUSTOMIZING Fin. Conditions:Use of Amount/Date/Different.Categories in Customizing
RFICO_CONDCATG Übersicht Konditionstypen
RFICO_CONDTYPE_CUSTOMIZING Financial Conditions: Customizing of Condition Types
RFICO_CORR_FICOB_TABS_T Correction FICO System Tables Texts
RFICO_CORR_FILL_INTMETHOD Insert Incorrect Interest Calculation Method
RFIDAREXRATEDIFF Argentina: Post Debit/Credit Memos for Exchange Rate Differences
RFIDARR615 Withholding Tax Update
RFIDATEB00 Creation of an MT940 file with data from the V3 return data carrier
RFIDAU10 Recipient Created Tax Invoice / Adjustment Note Summary Report
RFIDBR_BOLETO Printout of Boletos (Brazil)
RFIDCFM_BR_ICL_TAX Intercompany Loan Tax Calculation (Brazil)
RFIDCFM_BR_SWAP_TAX SWAP Tax Calculation (Brazil)
RFIDCFM_BR_TAXFUNDS_ME Month-End Tax Calculation for Funds (Brazil)
RFIDCFM_BR_TAXFUNDS_SALES Tax Calculation on the Sale of Funds (Brazil)
RFIDCFM_BR_TAXSALES Sale Transaction Creation for Funds' Taxes (Brazil)
RFIDCH_ASR Payment Authorization Printing (Switzerland)
RFIDCN01 Golden Audit: Electronic Account Book (China)
RFIDCN02 Golden Audit: GL Account Master and Balance (China)
RFIDCN04 Golden Audit: Accounting Vouchers (China)
RFIDCN06 Golden Audit: Enterprise Income Statement (China)
RFIDCN07 Golden Audit: Enterprise Cash Flow Statement (China)
RFIDCN08 Golden Audit: Enterprise VAT Payable Detail Report (China)
RFIDCN09 Golden Audit: Devalue Provision of Enterprise Assets (China)
RFIDCN10 Golden Audit: Shareholders' Rights and Interest Changing (China)
RFIDCN11 Golden Audit: Enterprise Profit and Distribution Form (China)
RFIDCN12 GA: External Company, Department and Project Information Files (China)
RFIDCN16 Golden Audit: Income and expenditure(non-profit)(China)
RFIDCN17 Golden Audit:Undertaking expenditure detail report(non-profit)(China)
RFIDCN18 Golden Audit: Operating expenditure detail report(non-profit)(China)
RFIDCN_ACCTBLN Account Balance Output (China)
RFIDCN_ACC_DOC Account Document Output (China)
RFIDCN_BSAIS Financial Statements (China)
RFIDCN_ITEMIZED_REPORT List of VAT Invoices Issued (Special/Normal) (China)
RFIDCN_PLACCT_FWD P&L Account Closing Posting (China)
RFIDCN_USAGE_REPORT Monthly Report of Invoices Purchased, Issued, and Held (China)
RFIDCZ_VAT_DOC_DP VAT Document for Down Payment (Czech Republic)
RFIDEUVP Create Acquisition Tax Accruals
RFIDEUVR Reverse Acquisition Tax Accruals
RFIDITCVL Annual Tax Report for Customers/Vendors (Italy)
RFIDITSR00 Foreign Trade Declaration
RFIDITSR02 Check Customizing Settings for Foreign Trade Declaration
RFIDITSR12 Foreign Trade Declaration (Austria)
RFIDKRMIG Migrate Tax Invoices (South Korea)
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