Programme | Description |
RFFM_TF_LO | Take transfer postings to lowest commitment item |
RFFM_UPGRADE_FMREAS_RULES | Strategien zur Gliederungs- und Gruppierungsänderung migrieren |
RFFM_VBUND_FIX_FI | Fill VBUND in Budgetary Ledger FI lines - BSEG,BSIS |
RFFM_VBUND_FIX_FMIFIIT | Correct missing trading partner in FMIFIIT |
RFFM_VBUND_FIX_L95 | Fill missing trading partner in FMUSFGA |
RFFM_VBUND_FIX_L96_97 | Fill missing trading partner in Facts 1 and 2 SL |
RFFOALE1 | ALE Distribution of Payment Data |
RFFOALE2 | ALE Distribution of Payment Data - ALE Status Correction |
RFFOAT_A | Payment Medium Austria - Foreign Payment Transactions V3 Format |
RFFOAT_P | Payment Medium (Austria) - V3 Format |
RFFOAU_T | Payment Medium for Australia - Bank Transfers/Debit Memo BECS |
RFFOAVIS | Payment Medium International - Zero Balance Notice |
RFFOAVIS_FPAYM | Payment Medium - Correspondence for Generic Payment Medium Program |
RFFOBE_D | Payment Medium Belgium - DME DOM 80 (Customer Pmnts and Collections) |
RFFOBE_E | Payment Medium Belgium - Foreign DME |
RFFOBE_I | Zahlungsträger Belgien - DTA Inland |
RFFOBR_A | Duplicata file |
RFFOBR_D | International Payment Media - Boleto (Brazil) |
RFFOBR_U | DME Brazil - A/P |
RFFOBR_V | International Payment Media - Boleto (Brazil) |
RFFOCA_T | Payment Medium (Canada) - DME Bank Transfers/Collection in Stand. 005 |
RFFOCH_P | Payment Medium Switzerland - Postal Giro/SAD/BAD |
RFFOCH_U | Payment Medium Switzerland - Transfers, Bank Collection / DME |
RFFOCZ_U | Payment Medium Czech Republic - Transfers |
RFFODK_B | Domestic DME (Denmark) - Domestic Bank Transfers and Collections (PBS) |
RFFODK_E | Payment Medium for Denmark - Payments Abroad (PAYMUL) |
RFFODK_P | Domestic DME (Denmark) - Domestic Transfers/Collections (Postal Giro) |
RFFODK_U | Danish Payment Medium - Foreign Transfers in Postal Giro Format |
RFFODOWN | Payment Medium International - Load Data Medium Exchange File to Disk |
RFFODTA0 | Payment Medium International - Payment Summary for Payment Medium |
RFFODTA1 | Generate Payment Advice Note for List of Payment Document Numbers |
RFFOD__L | Payment Medium Germany - Pmts in Ger.For.Tr.Regs (Z1 Form)/Foreign DME |
RFFOD__S | International Payment Medium - Check (without check management) |
RFFOD__T | Payment Medium International - Check/Bill of Exchange Procedure |
RFFOD__U | Payment Medium Germany - Transfers/Bank Direct Debits, Coll./Dom.DME |
RFFOD__V | Payment Medium International - Notification |
RFFOD__W | Payment Medium International - Bills of Exchange |
RFFOD__Z | German Payment Medium: Payment Order for Settlement (POfS) |
RFFOEDI0 | Payment Medium International - Repetition Run for EDI Payment Advices |
RFFOEDI1 | International Payment Medium - Payment Orders by EDI |
RFFOEDI2 | International Payment Medium - Correction of EDI Status |
RFFOEDI3 | International Payment Medium - EDI Accompanying Sheet |
RFFOES_D | Payment Medium Spain - DME Bank Collection, Customer Credit |
RFFOES_T | Payment Medium Spain - DME Transfers, Bank Checks |
RFFOEXI2 | Main Program for User Exits MT200/202/210 |
RFFOEXIT | International Payment Medium - User Exits for the Pyt Medium Programs |
RFFOFI_A | Payment Medium (Finland) - Domestic Customers (Direct Debit) |
RFFOFI_L | Data Medium Finland - Domestic Vendor Transactions (LM02) |
RFFOFI_U | Payment Medium for Finland - Vendor Transactions Abroad |
RFFOF__T | Payment Medium for France - Foreign Bank Transfers |
RFFOF__V | Payment Medium France - Collective Bank Transfer Order |
RFFOGB_T | Payment Medium Great Britain and Ireland - BACWAY, BACSBOX, EFTS, EMTS |
RFFOHK_A | Payment Medium for Hong Kong - DME Domestic (Autoplan) |
RFFOIT_B | Payment Medium (Italy) - Domestic DME |
RFFOIT_FOR | Payment Medium (Italy) - Foreign DME |
RFFOJP_L | Payment Medium (Japan) - DME Abroad |
RFFOJP_T | Payment Medium Japan - Domestic DME (and Bank Charges) |
RFFOLU_X | Automatice Direct Debiting Procedure, DOM2000 Format |
RFFOM100 | International Payment Medium - SWIFT Format MT100 |
RFFOM199 | Payment Medium Special Payments - SWIFT Format MT199 |
RFFOM200 | International Payment Medium - SWIFT Format MT200 |
RFFOM202 | International Payment Medium - SWIFT Format MT202 |
RFFOM210 | International Payment Medium - SWIFT Format MT210 |
RFFONL_A | Payment Medium Netherlands - Foreign DME |
RFFONL_I | Payment Medium Netherlands - Domestic DME |
RFFONO_D | Payment Medium (Norway) - Direct Remittance and Autogiro via BBS |
RFFONO_G | Payment Medium for Norway - DME (DATADIALOG) |
RFFONO_T | Payment Medium Norway - DME with Domestic and Foreign Bank Transfers |
RFFONZ_T | Payment Transfer Medium (NZ) - Local Transfers/Debit Memos (MTS) |
RFFOSCRP | International Payment Medium - SAPscript Subroutines |
RFFOSE_A | Payment Medium (Sweden) - Domestic Autogiro (Customers) |
RFFOSE_B | Payment Medium Sweden - Domestic Vendor Bank Giro (BGC) |
RFFOSE_H | Payment Medium (Sweden) - Foreign Vendor Payments via BGC |
RFFOSE_P | Payment Medium Sweden - Domestic Vendor PostGiro |
RFFOUS_C | International Payment Medium - Check (with check management) |
RFFOUS_T | Payment Medium USA - Transfers/Bank Direct Debits in ACH Format |
RFFOZA_A | Payment Medium South Africa - DME in ACB Format |
RFFR0C01 | Document C80, Reporting of Finan.Transacts Minus Sp.G/L codes A and W |
RFFR0C02 | Summarization of Financial Transactions |
RFFR0E84 | Report E84 - Receivables and Payables Re: Non-Nationals |
RFFR1C01 | Document C80, Reporting of Finan.Transacts Minus Sp.G/L codes A and W |
RFFR2C01 | Document C80, Reports not Including Customer/Vendor Accounts |
RFFRCBIC80 | Report for the State Central Bank Indicator in France |
RFFRLIST | Control Report |
RFFRMOD1 | Document Changes for Reporting to the BDF |
RFFSTA00 | Overview of Field Status Definitions |
RFFUEB00 | Copy G/L Bank Account Balances to the Cash Position |
RFFVAL00 | Compare Value Dates with Bank Postings |
RFFWAB00 | Reconcile Foreign Currency Valuation Differences with Adjustment Acct |
RFFWSOP1 | Save Special Items from Foreign Currency Valuation |
RFFWSOP2 | Display Special Items Article 43 of the GCC Introductory Act |
RFGBEW00 | Flexible Valuation of Foreign Curr.Bank Accts at the Key Date |
RFGLBALANCE | G/L Account Balance Display |
RFGLBALANCE_RRI | Balance Display Call via BBS |
RFGLKR00 | Trial Balance (South Korea) |
RFGLRE_ITEMS | G/L Account Line Items |
RFGMAB30 | Budget Vs. Commit./Actual Journal |
RFGMARACDL | Archiving GM Actual/Commitment Documents - Delete Program |
RFGMARACRL | Archiving GM Actual/Commitment Documents - Reload Program |