Programme | Description |
RFFMTRN0 | Transfer of completely reduced documents into new FM data (>45) |
RFFMTRNC | Truncate in FM Update Tables |
RFFMTRNS | Transfer old actual dat to the new data structures |
RFFMTRNSFIX | Corrects Purchase Orders with Schedule Lines Converted with Errors |
RFFMTRNS_CO | Transfer of the Old CO Data to the New Data Structures |
RFFMTTDL | Archiving Budget Totals in FM (BCS): Delete Program |
RFFMTTTOBL | Transfer Budget or Commitment/Actual Totals to FI |
RFFMTTWR | Archiving Budget Totals in FM (BCS): Write Program |
RFFMUD01 | Budget Increases by Revenues |
RFFMUD01O | Budget Increases by Revenues |
RFFMUD11 | Generate Additional Document Data for Revenues Increasing the Budget |
RFFMUD21 | Budget Increase Due To Revenues on Totals |
RFFMUD61 | FM Account Assignments for Revenues Increasing the Budget |
RFFMUD62 | FM Account Assignments with Budget Memo |
RFFMUD81 | Monitor for Revenue Increasing Budget rules to a rev. FM acct. assnt. |
RFFMUD85 | Actual receivers for a revenue FM acct. assignment |
RFFMUD96 | Revenues Increasing Budget |
RFFMUD97 | Setting the Indicator that Budget has been Increased for FM Documents |
RFFMUD98 | Revenues increasing budget |
RFFMUDX1 | Convert Budgeting Data to Revenues Increasing the Budget |
RFFMUDX2 | Convert Budgeting Data to Revenues Increasing the Budget |
RFFMUDX3 | Budget Subtypes: Convert Budget Table BPJA |
RFFMUDX4 | Budget Subtypes: Convert Budget Table BPEJ |
RFFMUDX5 | Budget Subtypes: Convert Budget Table BPDJ |
RFFMUDX6 | Budget Subtypes: Convert Budget Table BPGE |
RFFMUDX7 | Budget Subtypes: Convert Budget Table BPPE |
RFFMUDX8 | Budget Subtypes: Convert Budget Table BPEP |
RFFMUD_CORRECTION | Correction Report for RIB - Former Budgeting Distribution Process 1 |
RFFMUPFI | Update Funds Center, Commitment Item and Fund Fields in the BSEG |
RFFMVA01 | Create Value Adjustments |
RFFMVAQ | Calculation of Input Tax Deduction Rates for PCOs |
RFFMVCORB | Report on Posted Input Tax Adjustments |
RFFMVCORJ | Yearly Input Tax Adjustment for Public-Owned Commercial Operation |
RFFMVCORM | Input Tax Adjustment for Public-Owned Comm. Operations (period-based) |
RFFMWH01 | Display change documents |
RFFMWH02 | Display Change Documents |
RFFMWH10 | Change Documents for Rules and Relations to Budget Increase |
RFFMWH11 | Display of Change Documents for Relations to Budget Increase |
RFFMWH12 | Change Documents for Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget |
RFFMWH20 | Change Documents for Rules on Cover Eligibility |
RFFMWH21 | Change document display for reciprocal cover eligibility |
RFFMWH22 | Change Document Display for Unitlateral Cover Eligibility |
RFFMWH31 | Change Documents for Collective Expenditure Rules |
RFFMWHEREUSED | Where-Used Lists: Object Assignment to FM Derivation Tool |
RFFMWRITE | Ausgabe der Mittlebindungsformulare |
RFFMYC01 | Activate Year-Dependent Funds Centers |
RFFMYRCL | Residual Budgetary Account Closing |
RFFMZBU1 | Cash Holdings: Clear/Take Over from Accounts |
RFFMZBU1_IT | CBM: Post Balance Lines to Transfer Item |
RFFMZBU2 | Correction Program: Miscellaneous Cash Holdings |
RFFMZBUM | Conversion of Data: FMBE -> FMSU |
RFFMZBVT | Carry Forward Funds Balances |
RFFMZUOB_AUFGR_DEL | Clean Up FMZUOB: Delete Order Group (PM/SD/NP) |
RFFM_30_DENSE | Summarization of Funds Line Items (Lines for Fin.Trans. 30) |
RFFM_30_DENSE_ART | Summarization of Funds Line Items (Complete Documents) |
RFFM_ASSIGN_CHANGE | Change of Fund Item Assignment in Cash Budget Mgmt Using Exits |
RFFM_ASSIGN_CHANGE1 | Change of Fund Item Assignment in Cash Budget Mgmt Using Exits |
RFFM_BWRET_DERIV | Callbacks for Derivation Tool Connection |
RFFM_CALLBACK_REPORT_KEDR | Dummy Report to avoid conflict of KEDR/ABADR migrated FM/GM strategies |
RFFM_CHECK_VERRECHNUNG | Check Program for the Customizing of Clearing Control |
RFFM_CONVERT_VVS | Füllen des kundeneigenen Felds (USERDIM) in der FMIFIIT (VVS-Konten) |
RFFM_CREATE_CI_SET_HIER | Create Cmmt Item Set Hierarchy from the Master Data Hierarchy |
RFFM_CREATE_FC_SET_HIER | Create Funds Center Set Hierarchy from the Master Data Hierarchy |
RFFM_CROSS_ASS_RESOLVE | Expanding cross assignments |
RFFM_DEL_RELID_RFDT | Delete entries from table RFDT for certain RELIDs |
RFFM_LINE_ITEMS_NOT_NULL | FMIOI/FMIFIIT: Clear Grant, Funded Program, Functional Area |
RFFM_MR11_POST_FM | Adjustment of FM Commt for Purchase Orders in Connection with MR11 |
RFFM_OA_CREATE_EF | Generate Earmarked Funds from Contracts |
RFFM_OA_SET_FINAL_IND | Set the Completed Indicator for Earmarked Funds from Contracts |
RFFM_PO_ZEKKN_COPY_SUBSET | Copy correct-relevant records to subset table |
RFFM_PO_ZEKKN_FILL_CMMTSTR | Fill lookup table by old commitment string |
RFFM_PO_ZEKKN_FIND_PO_ZEKKN | Load matching table for SES ZEKKN correction |
RFFM_PO_ZEKKN_FIX_FMIFIIT_2 | Fix VRFKNT in FMIFIIT - additional lines - for SES SAA |
RFFM_PO_ZEKKN_FIX_FMUSFGA | Fix Commitment string in FMUSFGA for SES SAA |
RFFM_PO_ZEKKN_REPOST_CHAIN | Add successor docs and group into chains for SL Repost for SES ZEKKN |
RFFM_PO_ZEKKN_SET_UNIQUE | Set Unique flag in ZFFM_PO_ZEKKN table |
RFFM_PO_ZEKKN_SL_DELETE | Deletion of SL entries prior to repost |
RFFM_PO_ZEKKN_VERIFY_EKKN | Verify PO ZEKKN correction values |
RFFM_REPOST_CHAIN_BUILD | Analyze and group docs for SL Repost for ECC 600 migration |
RFFM_REPOST_CHAIN_STATS | Chain statistics for SL Repost for ECC 600 migration |
RFFM_REPOST_CHECK_DUP_SL | Check for duplicate SL postings for SL Repost for ECC 600 migration |
RFFM_REPOST_CNTL_FILL | Initial load of control table for ECC600 migration |
RFFM_REPOST_ERR_CLEANUP | Clean up error tracking table for SL Repost for ECC 600 migration |
RFFM_REPOST_RESET_STATUS | Reset processing status and jobid for SL Repost for ECC 600 migration |
RFFM_REPOST_RESTORE_SAVED_SL | Restore saved SL data for SL Repost for ECC 600 migration |
RFFM_REPOST_SAVE_SL | Save SL data for excluded docs for SL Repost for ECC 600 migration |
RFFM_REPOST_SUBMIT | Repost job submission for SL Repost for ECC 600 migration |
RFFM_REPOST_UPDATE_JOB_RESULTS | Update processing flag for SL Repost for ECC 600 migration |
RFFM_REP_POSTMR11 | Adjust Funds Commitments for Orders After MR11 |
RFFM_REP_TRSTHV | Repair Program: Note 573253 |
RFFM_SET_ENTRY_DATE | Copy Entry Date Subsequently |
RFFM_SKB1_FIPOS | Committment Item Assignment - Import G/L Konto from Local Data |
RFFM_TEST_ELKO | Create test file for electronic bank statement (multicash) |