Programme | Description |
RFFMRP26 | Reconstruct Actual Data from Funds Reservations |
RFFMRP34 | Copy Purchase Requisition Documents |
RFFMRP34N | Reconstruction of Purchase Requisitions in FM |
RFFMRP50 | Reconstruct of Actual Data for Cash Budget Management |
RFFMRP51 | Reconstruct Actual Data for Cash Budget Management from FI Documents |
RFFMRP52 | Partial Reconstruction of Cash Budget Mgt Actual Data Using FI Docs |
RFFMRP53 | Reconstruct Actual Data for Cash Budget Mgt from Purchase Orders |
RFFMRP53_NEW | No Title |
RFFMRP54 | Copy Parked Documents in Cash Budget Management |
RFFMRP55 | Reconstruct Payment Transfers for Cash Budget Management |
RFFMRP56 | Reconstruct Funds Reservations for Cash Budget Management |
RFFMRP57 | Reconstruct Purchase Requests for Cash Budget Management |
RFFMRP58 | Part Reconstruction of Actual Data for Cash Budget Mgt from FI Docs |
RFFMRP81 | Reconstruct Actual Data for Project Cash Management from FI Documents |
RFFMRP82 | Part Reconstruction of Actual Data for Project Cash Management from FI |
RFFMRP83 | Reconstruct Actual Data for Project Cash Mangement from Purc.Orders |
RFFMRP84 | Analysis of Data Trans. into PS Cash |
RFFMRP85 | Reconstruct Payment Transfers for Project Cash Management |
RFFMRP99 | Batch Request for FIFM Programs (Tools) |
RFFMRPAZBU | Reconstruction of Down Payments and Down Payment Clearings |
RFFMRPFI | Transfer Documents from Financial Accounting |
RFFMRPFI_PAY | Payment Transfer from Financial Accounting |
RFFMRP_MRP_PR | Updating PR's Generated from MRP into FM |
RFFMS000 | TR-CBM: Actual Data Leveling: FM Balances <-> FM Totals Records |
RFFMS002 | Cash Budget Mgt: Actual Data Matching: Totals Records <-> Line Items |
RFFMS005 | TR-CB: Actual Data Matching: FM Totals Records <-> FM Line Items |
RFFMS007 | Activate/Deactivate Document Analysis in Funds Management |
RFFMS008 | Funds Management Document Analysis |
RFFMS009 | FM Account Assignment Analysis Against Posted Document |
RFFMS012 | FI-FM: Actual Data Matching: FM Totals Records <-> FM Line Items |
RFFMS100 | TR-CBM: Actual Data Leveling: FM Balances <-> FM Totals Records |
RFFMS160 | Check on balances in Funds Management |
RFFMS160_REV | Identify Funds Balance in Non Balance Sheet Accounts |
RFFMS162 | Compare Value Date/Posting Date |
RFFMS180 | Program to Supply MM Documents with Commitment Items |
RFFMS181 | Provide Purchase Orders with Commitment Items |
RFFMS182 | Document lines receive commt item from G/L account (for LI/OI accts)= |
RFFMS183 | Enter Commitment Item in Purchase Order Invoices |
RFFMS184 | FI documents receive commitment item from G/L account (replaces NABU) |
RFFMS186 | Convert commitment item/30 in G/L account, documents, funds invoices |
RFFMS186_90 | Commitment Item/90 in G/L Account, Convert Documents and Budget Man. |
RFFMS187 | Transfer Account Assignment Line to Another Commitment Item |
RFFMS187_POS | Transfer of Account Assignment Items to Other Commitment Items |
RFFMS189 | Determines FI Documents with CI 30 + Funds Center=Blank or CI=Blank |
RFFMS200 | Payment selection |
RFFMS200P | Parallel Processing with Submit |
RFFMS200_BATCH | Payment Selection |
RFFMS200_INIT | Reorganizes Invoices and Payments after Data Conversion to 4.5x |
RFFMS200_OLD | Payment Selection |
RFFMS200_TRACE | Trace for Payment Selection Analysis |
RFFMS201 | Create FM Documents for Payments without Invoice Reference |
RFFMS220 | Transfer Recovery Order |
RFFMS270 | Change Invoice Reference in FI |
RFFMS300 | Transfer Payment for Project Cash Management |
RFFMS910 | Convert Payments from Commitment Budget to Payment Budget |
RFFMS910_INIT | Fill in the VO and KN fields |
RFFMSAPF048_DEL | Initialize Validation Table for Document Archiving |
RFFMSBSP | Selection of FM account assignments |
RFFMSC01 | Generate Cover Pools from Rules |
RFFMSCHECK_ARCHIVING | Check of Non-Archivable Documents |
RFFMSCHECK_OPEN_FM_INVOICE | Check whether there are still open invoices in the old FM year |
RFFMSD07 | Result List of Payment Matching |
RFFMSDCA | Vendor-View Document Interface |
RFFMSDCA_FILL_OLD_CONTEXT | RDCA: Fill Context Fields from Old Messages |
RFFMSDCA_WIZ | Log Evaluation for Vendor Document Interface |
RFFMSETB | Automatic Derivation of Field KNB1-BUSAB from PSO48-BUSAB |
RFFMSEURO_ANA | Euro Conversion Clearing Program for Actuals Documents in FM |
RFFMSEURO_RECON | Euroabgleich RECON Phase |
RFFMSFIC | Funds Center Selection |
RFFMSFIP | Commitment Item Selection |
RFFMSFND | Fund selection |
RFFMSHERLOCK_ADD_DOCUMENTS | Clarification WL: Add Documents |
RFFMSIUR | Mass Maintenance of FM Open Interval Rules |
RFFMSIZE | Analayis Program: FI Documents for Cash Budget Management |
RFFMSL | Mass processing of commitment items in FM area |
RFFMSN01 | Consistency Check for the Collective Expenditure Rules |
RFFMSN11 | Budget Transfer from the Source to the Collective Expenditure Account |
RFFMSN21 | Actual Distribution from the Coll. Expendt. to the Source |
RFFMSN31 | Integrating Coll. Expendt. Posting FM Acct Assgmts to the Budget |
RFFMSN41 | Coll. Expenditure: Cmmt/Actual Distribution and Integration into Bdgt |
RFFMSN61 | Collective Expenditure Distribution to the Funds Centers |
RFFMSN81 | Generate Budget Objects for Collective Expenditure |
RFFMSN99 | Customizing for Actual Distribution of Collective Expenditures |
RFFMSPLIT_DERIVE | Rule-Based Account Distributions - Callback Report for Deriving Rule |
RFFMSRCICHNG | Reassign Standing Request |
RFFMSTRP | Selection of FM Account Assignments |
RFFMS_SET_NUMBER | ALE Distribution: Adjust FI Reference in FM Document |
RFFMTO10X | Commitment/Actual Totals Records |
RFFMTO20X | Additional Revenues from FM Account Assignments |
RFFMTO30X | PBET - Annual Budget Vs. Commt./Actual Totals |
RFFMTO31X | PBET - Overall Budget Vs. Commt./Actual Totals |
RFFMTO40 | Totals Records for Budget Structure |
RFFMTO50 | Annual Budget: Totals Records |
RFFMTOBL | Transfer Commitments to Budgetary Ledger |
RFFMTOBL_DELETE | Delete selected content from table FMTOBL |
RFFMTRAC | Program RFFMTRAC: Trace for Update |
RFFMTRCB90 | Set old bank transfer postings to new default item |