Programme | Description |
RFFMMONI | Monitor |
RFFMMONITOR_COFIBALANCING | Check Prerequisites for the Balancing of CO-FI Real-Time Postings |
RFFMMONI_ALL | GUI program for monitor reports |
RFFMMONI_MAST | Monitor For Master Data in FM |
RFFMMP_COVR | Carry Over Residual Budget |
RFFMMP_COVR_BT | Carry Over Residual Budget (Budget Type) |
RFFMMP_DOCREVERSE | Reverse Budget Entry Documents |
RFFMMP_PRECLOSE | Preclosing: Transfer Residual Budget |
RFFMMP_RBB | Increase Budget from Revenues |
RFFMMP_RELEASE | Release Budget Data |
RFFMMP_ROLLUP | Rollup Budget |
RFFMMP_STAT | Generate Statistical Budget Data |
RFFMMP_TRANSFER | Transfer Budget Data |
RFFMMP_TRANSFER_BT | Transfer To Consumable Budget Type |
RFFMMULT | Sammelfreigabe - Batch-Report |
RFFMOARULES | FM Object Assignment Derivation Tool - Predefined Rules |
RFFMPDOC | Create FM Payment Directive |
RFFMPENR_ALV | Evaluation of Penalty Interest |
RFFMPENT_ALV | Penalty Reason Codes Report in ALV |
RFFMPLAN_ACT | Derive Financial Budget from Previous Year Actual Data |
RFFMPLAN_CO | Derive Financial Budget from Cost Plan |
RFFMPLAN_CUM | Copy/Accumulate Financial Budget |
RFFMPLAN_CUR | Revalue Financial Budget |
RFFMPLAN_DEL | Delete Financial Budget |
RFFMPLAN_PS | Derive Financial Budget from PS Payment Schedule |
RFFMPLIST | Report: "12 Period Forecast" - Actual and Plan |
RFFMPLISTQ | Actual & Plan Report: Three-Period Display |
RFFMPO01 | Set Number Range for Cross-FM Area Internal Commitment Items |
RFFMPO02 | FIFM: Commt Items (Length 24)-Convert Authorizations in Transp.Tables |
RFFMPOSA | Process Petty Amounts |
RFFMPOSE | Earmarked Funds: Display Amount History |
RFFMPSO1 | Create/Change/Dispay/Delete/Approve/Reverse Request |
RFFMPSO2 | Posting a Parked Request |
RFFMPSO3 | Bundling of complete, parked requests |
RFFMPSO4 | Printing a Request |
RFFMPSO6 | Prepare archiving of temporary waivers |
RFFMPSOIS | Assignment of subldgr preprocessing procedure to customer/vendor accts |
RFFMR220 | FI-FM Payment Reset (Reversal RFFMS220) |
RFFMRBDERIMD | Callback report for derivation of RIB master data |
RFFMRBDERIRO | Callback report for derivation of RIB objects from budget addresses |
RFFMRB_COPY | Copy Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget |
RFFMRB_DELETE | Delete Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget |
RFFMRB_GENERATE | Generate Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget |
RFFMRB_HIER_VIEW | Overview of RIB Object Values |
RFFMRB_RECONSTRUCT_INDEX | Reconstruct Index for Revenues Increasing the Budget |
RFFMRB_REINIT | Re-Initialize RIB Ledgers |
RFFMRC00 | Level Line Items and Totals Records for FM |
RFFMRC00_OLD | Level Line Items and Totals Records for FM |
RFFMRC01 | FI-FM Line Comparison |
RFFMRC01_FICA | Comparison of Funds Management - FI for FI-CA Documents |
RFFMRC01_PSCD | Match Funds Management - FI for FI-CA Documents |
RFFMRC03 | FM Totals - FI Totals Comparison |
RFFMRC03_OLD | FM Totals - FI Totals Comparison |
RFFMRC04 | Matching Line Items and Totals Records for FM |
RFFMRC05 | Matching Totals Records from the Old Data Structure with the New One |
RFFMRC07 | Payment Matching at Document Level |
RFFMRC13 | Obsolete - Code deleted |
RFFMRC20 | Totals Reconciliation Earmarked Funds |
RFFMRC21 | Reconciliation of Earmarked Funds in FM |
RFFMRC22 | Reconciliation of Purchase Requisitions in FM |
RFFMRC23 | Reconciliation of Purchase Orders in FM |
RFFMRE01 | Earmarked Funds: Display Consumption History |
RFFMRE10 | Earmarked funds journal |
RFFMREBU | Verteilbarwerte: Budget versus Freigaben |
RFFMRECD | Display Change Documents for FM Reservations (Selection Options) |
RFFMRECF | Correction report for funds reservation for revenue items |
RFFMREL1 | Budget release: Mass release |
RFFMREL2 | New Distribution to Release Groups |
RFFMREPO | Correction and reconstruction of earmarked funds |
RFFMREPY | Replace Payment Commitment with Funds Commitment |
RFFMREP_LDB_A01 | Budget Consumption View |
RFFMREP_LDB_B01 | Budget view by Document type |
RFFMREP_LDB_B02 | Budget View by Process |
RFFMREP_LDB_PL01 | PBET - Budget Lines Vs. Commt./Actual Line Items |
RFFMREP_LDB_PT01 | PBET - Budget Totals Vs. Commt./Actual Totals |
RFFMRP02 | Purchase Order Document Transfer |
RFFMRP02N | Reconstruction of Purchase Orders in FM |
RFFMRP03 | Document Transfer from Earmarked Funds |
RFFMRP03N | Reconstruction of Earmarked Funds in FM |
RFFMRP04 | Copy document from parked documents |
RFFMRP05 | Copy CO Documents |
RFFMRP07 | Rebuild FM Interface of Sales Orders |
RFFMRP07N | Reconstruction of Sales Orders in Funds Management |
RFFMRP10 | Reconstruct Actual Data from FI Documents |
RFFMRP11 | Cash Budget Management: FI Basis Reconstruction Program |
RFFMRP11_GLSEL | Lean Cash Budget Management: New Generation from FI Documents |
RFFMRP12 | Partial Reconstruction of Actual Data from FI Documents |
RFFMRP15 | Cash Budget Management: Reconstruct Actual Data for FI Documents |
RFFMRP15C | Delete/reset a document cluster in TR-CB |
RFFMRP15P | Project Cash Management: Reconstruct Actual Data for Indiv. FI Docs |
RFFMRP16 | Reconstruct Actual Data for Funds Management from FI Documents |
RFFMRP17 | Posting Clearing to Funds Management |
RFFMRP17I | Complete Canceled Cross-Company-Code Document in Cash Budget Mgt |
RFFMRP18 | Subsequent Posting of Clearing Information to Cash Budget Management |
RFFMRP20 | Reconstruct Actual Data from Purchase Orders |
RFFMRP25 | Reset Funds Transfers and Funds Commitments for CBM |