Programme | Description |
RAICHIER | IM Summarization: Replicate Inv.Prog.Hierarchy in Summarization DB |
RAICMON1 | IM Summarization: Monitor |
RAICREC1 | Info System IM (intern.): Compare structures BAPI1057CD - Cust. table |
RAICRECH | IM Summarization: Report User Interface |
RAICVALD | IM summarization (internal): Display values with Listviewer |
RAIDBR_CIAP_REPORT | List of Adjustment Postings for Retirements or Losses (Brazil) |
RAIDBR_CIAP_RETIRE | Make Adjustment Postings for Retirements or Losses (Brazil) |
RAIDJP_ANNEX16 | Annex 16 (Japan) |
RAIDJP_TAX | Property Tax Report (Japan) |
RAIDKRA06 | Scrap Value Depreciation (Uniform Depreciation) |
RAIDKRA07 | Sibuin Reports (Straight-Line Method) - Since 1999 |
RAIDKRA08 | Declining-Balance Depreciation (South Korea) |
RAIDKRA10 | BUIN,Deemed Depreciation Upload for South Korea |
RAIDKRA11 | Tangible,Intangible Asset Report |
RAIDKRB01 | Depreciation of Tangible Assets |
RAIDKRB02 | Depreciation of Intangible Assets |
RAIDKRC03 | Change Distribution Rules Used to Settle Capital Investment Measures |
RAIDKRC04 | Changes to Useful Life Caused by New Depreciation Method |
RAIDKRC05 | Check Rounding Problems for Assets Whose Scrap Value Has Been Reached |
RAIDPL19 | Fixed Asset Ledger |
RAIDPT01 | Portugal: Mapas fiscais (Data Retrieval) |
RAIDPT02 | Asset Report Print Program (Portugal) |
RAIDPT02_PDF | Asset Report Print Program (Portugal) |
RAIDSG_CAP_ALLOW | Capital Allowance Report (Singapore) |
RAIDSG_CAP_RETIRE | Balancing Adjustment Report (Singapore) |
RAIDTR_SHAR_CAP | Transfer Revaluation Fund to Share Capital (Turkey) |
RAIMACHG | Budget distribution |
RAIMAEPR | Changes to Investment Program Positions |
RAIMAETP | Changes to Investment Programs |
RAIMAKAE | Display of change documents for approp. request |
RAIMAKTB | Subsequent setting of "budget distribution" indicator |
RAIMAVAR | Master data list for appropriation requests |
RAIMAVAR1 | Master data list for apprpriation requests |
RAIMAVAR2 | Master data list for apprpriation requests |
RAIMAVAR3 | Master data list for apprpriation requests |
RAIMAVAR4 | Master data list for apprpriation requests |
RAIMAVCY | Copy Version Assignment |
RAIMAWFC | Assign workflow tasks |
RAIMBPBK | Creation of missing entries in BPBK |
RAIMBPUP | Plan/Budget Rollup |
RAIMCAOV | Investment Program Budget Carryforward |
RAIMCAOV1 | Investment Program Budget Carryforward |
RAIMCAT0 | Load CATT Variants from File on Presentation Server |
RAIMCCP1 | Automatic Check or Adjustment of Values (Investment Programs) |
RAIMCCP2 | Transfer Appropriation Request Plan to Measure Plan |
RAIMCCP3 | Automatic Check or Adjustment of Values (Projects) |
RAIMCCP4 | Automatic Check or Adjustment of Values (Orders) |
RAIMCRC2 | Currency Recalculation of Plan for Appropriation Requests |
RAIMDELE | Completely Delete Capital Investment Programs |
RAIMDIRT | Cleaning up of table IMZO (assignment of measure to program position) |
RAIMDNEW | New calculation of distributed values |
RAIMDNEW_30 | Recalculate distrib. values for 3.0 |
RAIMDOLD | Download investment program |
RAIMEIS1 | EIS aspect for investments: data collectn for order/inv.prog./project |
RAIMEWMS | Internal Use - (Does Everything) |
RAIMGENCHAR | Generation of Characteristic Catalog for Drilldown (Cust.Enhancement) |
RAIMGENR | Create investment program |
RAIMGENR100 | Create Investment Program |
RAIMHERCHK | Check Report: Inheritance of Org. Units in Investment Program |
RAIMHIER | Display/Maintain Capital Investment Program Structure |
RAIMHYRP | Repair of hierarchy information in investment program |
RAIMINFO | Structure and value list for inv. program. |
RAIMINFO_ALV | General Structure and Value List (ABAP List Viewer) |
RAIMKBUD | Set Original Budget to Equal Current Budget |
RAIMLANG | Set language for text |
RAIMMOCH | Subsequent Change of RE Indicator for Assets |
RAIMNOTCON | Measures/App. Requests not Assigned to Investment Program |
RAIMPBA3 | Adjustment of Plan/Budget to Agree with Assigned Vals (Projects) |
RAIMPBA4 | Adjustment of Plan/Budget to Agree with Assigned Vals (Orders) |
RAIMREC1 | IM Info System (internal): Compare drilldown struct. and intern.struct |
RAIMREC2 | IM Info System (internal): Compare drilldown struct. and fld. catalog |
RAIMRECH | Drilldown for inv.programs: Report user interface |
RAIMREDA | Drilldown for inv. programs: Data collection (using log. DB IMA) |
RAIMREEB | InvProgPosition: Budget line items |
RAIMREEP | Investment Program Position: Plan Line Items |
RAIMSELM | Budget distribution |
RAIMSTAT | Determine a Quantity Structure for an Investment Program |
RAIMUPLD | Create investment program |
RAIMZODL | Delete illogical entries in IMZO |
RAIM_CREATE_FROM_EO | Generate Investment Program from Enterprise Organization |
RAIM_DOWNLOAD | Download of an Investment Program |
RAIM_GEN_FROM_EO | Generate Investment Program from Enterprise Organization |
RAIM_GEN_FROM_HIER | Create Investment Program |
RAIM_GEN_FROM_ORG | Create Investment Program |
RAIM_UPLOAD | Create an Investment Program Sub-Tree |
RAINZU10N | Investment Support |
RAIPAR00 | Report for customizing partner determ. procedure for view maint. |
RAIPEWU1 | Adjustment of investment programs after euro conversion |
RAIPEWU2 | Adjustments of investment programs after euro conversion |
RAIPEWU3 | Recalculation of distributed values in inv.program |
RAIP_SIZE | Online Calculation of Scale of Investment Measures |
RAIRARDE | Program ARCHIV_DELETE (Deletion of archived approp. requests) |
RAIRARWR | Program ARCHIV_WRITE (Archiving of appropriation requests) |
RAIRRECH | Approp. request drilldown: Report interface |